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Channel: Kanvas Kita
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What ?
Why ?
How ?
When ?
Where ?
Why not ?—

So many questions,
are running on my mind,
but still I didn't find an answer.

And when I found out the answer,
it sometimes,
doesn't satisfy me.

Beauty lies is everywhere;
even in the half built sand castle,
even in the small waves,
that could never touch,
the shores.

Beauty lies,
in the eyes,
of the beholder.

My pen,
won't stop,
till it bleeds the voice,
of my heart completely.

If I leave my pen,
to write whatever it wants,
it would write a story.

A tale that,
this world was,
blind to see,
deaf to hear,
and mute to speak.

Loving you,
has changed me.

I've realized,
a difference,
in what it all is;
I loved,
those around me to satisfy,
while loving you,
is more a complex quiz.

It hurts most,
when people are so worried,
about hurting my feelings,
that they never tell me,
the truth that I need to hear.

I didn't know,
that day was going to be,
the last day I saw you;
our laughs,
were genuine,
and filled with,
such innocent joy.

But then,
life took a different turn,
and threw us right off.

I know for a fact,
that the hug I gave you,
wasn't long enough.

The tears we had shed,
were hardly what,
we really wanted to.

And that was,
the last day I saw you,
so when can I see you again ?

I want you,
to be here.

It's hard,
loving the memories,
when I'm alone.

And I hated,
living in the past,
with painful histories.

I drank,
the potion of depression,
and danced,
in the court of pain.

I derive my fears,
and calculate,
the insecurities,
by myself.

I wonder,
how broken I feel,

words seize my heavy heart,
instead of bleeding !

There's nothing new,
about falling backwards,
in a dream.

But I just want to stay,
long enough to see,
the ending of the sunbeams.

There's the soul,
that we're supposed to be,
and there's the soul,
that we actually contain.

I've lost,
a sense of both !

The pages in my diary,
are stale,
and cold-hearted—
I tried,
to warm them up.

but there always,
were 'people',
to turn off,
the warm flame,
of my love.

I'll be,
standing up on the chair,
and looking out at the moon;
I'll be over soon.

Never truly understand,
why I always felt,
that I'm being alone,
in this whole,
crowded world.

The poetries I write now,
don't smell,
like lavender anymore.

Those letters,
are losing their charm;
like fallen stars.

Have you been thinking me,
while saying that,
you want to leave ?

Have you been missing me,
while you were,
ignoring me ?

Such a coincidence,
it is,
am feeling,
the same too.

To the guy,
who's so busy,
being himself,
that people can't help,
but fallen for,
his simple-minded,
aristocratic personality.

You're lovely,
and I would like,
to see you,
happy for ever,
and a day.

From the girl,
who wishes to drink up,
the whole sky,
just to see,
the smile flashing,
in your face,
like a rainbow.

I once felt an urge,
to define happiness,
but it messed,
my emotions up,
and explained the pain.

one fine day,
you'll realize;
of my sacrifices for you,
of my love for you.

don't get me wrong.

It isn't that you don't care,
I know you're,
but you just,
stopped worrying,
after all.

I know,
sometimes it show.

But trust me,
I try my best,
to hide my tears,
every single second.

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