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Channel: Happy people
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In life, you just have to take risks
Otherwise, you'll do shit you don't like until you realize it's too late to do something about it.

When I was younger, I admired intelligent people. As I grow older I admire kind people.

#snowdel 🙂
To know what people really think, observe what they do, not what they say.

#happy_girl *-*
Excuses will turn your dreams into dust.

Burn the past. Turn the page. Move on.

At your lowest, you see the real faces of people.

#stoneman :):
If you want to be taken seriously be consistent.

#sadman 🥀
Save your feelings for someone, who cares.

#snowdel 🙂
She said, 'I love you', and my death was postponed.

#snowdel 🙂
if you find someone who can look at you like I did, you win.

#sadman 🥀
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