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Channel: General Thoughts
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Enjoy your life as it happens; invest in memories more than you spend on material objects that will quickly lose their novelty, and will depreciate in value. Also, invest in your future so your money can work for you; passive income streams. Don’t just stunt - create security.📌

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Pablo Picasso owned a revolver loaded with blanks that he would fire at people who asked about the meaning of his paintings.

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A happiness moment comes when you're deeply engaged in whatever you are doing and you settle into that feeling of being alive—in the most simple, random every day ordinary ways life suddenly becomes extraordinary.🤍

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When people say you've changed, and you know you've been committed to your growth, take it as a compliment. It means the inner work is showing, and you're evolving. The plan is to continue to grow without punishing yourself for where you're at.🪴

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We can’t upload luck, We can’t download time, Google can’t give all answers in life. So just login to reality and Like the status of your Life.🍀

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Good things will come to you when good things come from you. You will attract what you are. The goodness of this world is offered to those who are doing good for this world. When you radiate positive energy, you attract more of the same.

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Heal, but never forget what caused the pain.
Love, but never overextend until you’re drained.
Forgive, but make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Stay strong, but don’t stay where you’re never allowed to soften.

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Will you step forward with confidence or stay put with fear?

Will you witness glorious growth or stagnation?

Will your legacy be one of love and creation or doubt and delay?

The choice is yours; the path to greatness awaits your courageous steps.

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My parents are not rich but I have never slept hungry, never walked without shoes. I'm blessed and thankful. I really appreciate their sacrifice. ♥️

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