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Diagnostic Drawing:

Okay! For the very first thing I'd like people to do, is draw either their sona or an animal they really like, as well as they can. This will be the first piece in our portfolio. I'd prefer if it is drawn traditionally. If you can, take a picture and post it here.

Try to make it full body. Time it if you can!

If you want to keep a digital folder of your portfolio or a physical is up to you, but we will be comparing our art before and after the class.

If you ever have questions, please contact @Mythotix or @laughingjag
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Lesson 1: Part A

Hello! Glad to see people working so hard already, it's very refreshing to see people motivated.

Before we start I want to put this message across, even if you are already decent at art and wouldn't consider yourself to be a beginner, I'd like you to forget all that you've learned and focus on the lessons. The site puts it best; "On the topic of those of you with prior experience - for now, leave what you know at the door. Once you're done the exercises, you can take what you've learned and merge it back with what you know, keeping what you find valuable and tossing out what isn't."

To start today's lesson I think we should all start with the first lesson on draw a box. It's a wonderful resource that you can use, we will be using snippets of this as well as other things throughout our class.

I want everyone to read through the entire lesson, then do what is listed for homework. It will build up your line quality quite a bit, especially if you are a beginner.

Be sure to read over all of it.

Also I would like if the class would watch this video:

I know it was left up in the resource room, but if you haven't already given it a watch I would prefer if you would do it now.

Next part of the lesson will cover elipses and planes, and we will be doing blind contour drawings.
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Lesson 1: Part B - Mini Lesson

I've noticed quite a few of you fall into drawing the same shapes and things for every drawing. When a lot of beginner artists begin drawing they have preconceived notions as to how to draw things. For example, an artist like this would draw a cat using a simple circle for the head, triangles for the ears and other very simple shapes. It would likely look something like this;

When people start drawing they love to use symbols, but to be able to draw realistically you need to distance yourself from these stereotypical symbols and shapes.

We are going to draw from life today in a fun way. We are going to be doing a few blind contour drawings. How do we do this, you ask?

A blind contour drawing is when you do not look at the page AT ALL while you are drawing. You let your eyes follow the shapes you see in front of you, not the preconceived symbols in your head. Pick and object (or better yet, a friend) and draw what you see. Let your eyes follow the lines' movements. And do not peek until you are done.

Don't expect for them to be pretty or nice. Most will look pretty funny, but that's kind of the best part of it. Feel free to post your drawings as I will be looking forward to what you guys make.
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Lesson 2 : Part A

For today the lesson will be to go through this webpage and take notes. It goes through very basic steps to construction drawing, and makes it very simple to follow.

It breaks it up in ways that would make sense to a complete beginner.

This is a bit more advanced, but goes over steps to make it easier, and has some very good tips, be sure to read through it and maybe incorporate some of the ideas they talk about into your daily art studying.


For this week's homework I ask you to try to do the first lesson in part two. Try your best, remember that this isn't about doing it great the first time around, it's about trying and getting experience! Can't wait to see your attempts everyone! Feel free to post any and all of your studies from this section.
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Lesson 3

Today we are going to go over perspective, please take the time to go over chapter two in the "How to Draw" pdf below. Later in the week we are going to have activities that pertain to perspective so please read up. It's best to take notes in your drawing notebook as you go through each part.

Here are two text articles on how to draw perspective.

One point perspective:

Two point perspective:

I'd suggest to go over all the resources if you have spare time. If you feel you won't have enough time, please go through the pdf file as it is the best resource.
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