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Channel: @#Experience🦋
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I know u will forget me too
Just like all other do
but that's okay
because at the end of the day
I'm use to being
what others aren't seeing
do u know that feeling?
where u think u r so special to someone,
but then u see this person acting the same with everyone else.
and u kinda be like ..
oh ..
alright ..
its emotional war
and I'm losing
u don't tell peoples u r not okay
because its hard watching them not know what to do then u end up comforting them when the one who needed comforting is u.
Depression has a lot of meaning u hate talking to people ,nothing makes u happy ,u can't tell people that you're not okay ....
When u pass the depression thing you gonna have that anxiety thing and trust me this is the worst
I will make u hate me just enough to make u want me.
Happy😂 or sad😔
I'm tired 😰😰😰😞
Sometimes u just need someone who will say "I'm here for u " just this little word only ☹️
Hello 👋
This is our instagram page check it out and follow us at
I would ask our members to follow this page on instagram 😁😁🤗
Be the person u want to be but don't be the person that people want u to be 🙂🙂🙂
If you are too tired to speak
sit next to me,because I,too, am fluent
In silence .
I will fight
I will fight for you
I always do,
Untill my heart is black and blue
silence kills you more than anything
but depression is the worst you don't even know what you are doing until u feel numb
And again I'm scared of losing myself🙂☹️

If you hesitate between me
And another person
Don't choose me

Silence is what I fear ..
are you ..
are you here ?
Let's just forget leave it behind and carry on ..
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2024/04/29 05:56:56
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