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you can now trustlessly swap btc ︎ dai via uniswap-like interface. zec and bch are also supported. i tried it and it works pretty seamlessly, but be aware that chaosnet is unaudited and the liquidity is shallow.
hard problems in cryptocurrency: five years later

you can now use tokenized dai savings rate via 1 chai = 1 dai × pot.chi.
gasless wallet

much cooler dai (mcd) has added meta-transactions via permit function which has enabled a new breed of wallets where you don't need eth to pay for gas.

ey's zero-knowledge solution for ethereum just got a 400x improvement in gas efficiency. doing 20 transactions will cost only $0.24 with batching and merkle tree optimizer enabled. it enables adding complete privacy to both erc20 and erc721 tokens.
multi-client eth2 testnet is up

parity's shasper client joins prysmatic labs' sapphire client in beacon chain testnet. two new block explorers are also up.
uniswap bans 10 countries for no apparent reason

the default frontend at is now unavailable for users in belarus, cuba, iran, iraq, liberia, sudan, syria, zimbabwe and some other countries.

looks like uniswap instantly forgot the ethos of crypto once they took vc money. this is such a bullshit move, for example it works just fine in crimea.

i condemn this behaviour, so i've set up a uniswap frontend for the ones affected. you can set one up too, it takes only a few minutes. you can also tell the devs what you think here.
ethereum istanbul is live

no network disruption has occurred. istanbul includes several exciting features enabling interop with zcash, cheaper zk-snarks for aztec and rollups.

the next upgrade is called muir glacier and it is planned for new year eve. it will be a minor upgrade which only fixes the difficulty bomb.
eth2 info

a collection of quality content about ethereum's next major release.
zk sync

an ethereum scaling solution with the same security guarantees as layer 1.

let's imagine you only have eth but want to provide liquidity to eth/dai pair on uniswap and earn trading fees. the usual way is you go to uniswap, buy dai for half of your eth, unlock it and then provide the liquidity.

with defizap you send ether to to daiunipool.defizap.eth and that's it. the contract automatically does all that in a single transaction saving you time and gas fees. be sure to set the gas limit to 1.5 million though.

you can get exposure to other defi positions in the same way or via their website which has nice explainers. the supported protocols include synthetix, compound, fulcrum and uniswap.
ranking crypto auditabilty

a great feature from coinmetrics exploring full nodes and available tooling for importing different ledgers and validating the supply.
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