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The CDC "confirmed" a case of "bird flu" in a man with underlying health conditions who had no contact with "infected" animals. Two questions.

1. Why was he tested for avian flu if he had no animal exposure?

2. What's with the American flag background?
As the MSM is trying hard to make the "West Nile Virus" a thing right now, let's examine what they "know" about it. First thing to note is that most cases are asymptomatic, meaning NO DISEASE. If there is disease, it is a mild FLU-LIKE illness, i.e. no specific signs/symptoms.

The most "severe form" affects older adults, & the signs/symptoms are associated with other health conditions. In other words, the symptoms could be due to other pre-existing health conditions the person was already afflicted with that are then fraudulently associated with WNV.

How could this occur? That would be due to fraudulent & inaccurate "antibody" tests used for diagnosis. Once someone is falsely labeled a WNV case, any signs & symptoms affecting them at diagnosis or afterwards are then swept under the WNV umbrella w/o proof of a "viral" cause.
"West Nile Virus" is just another label for the same symptoms of disease with yet another fictional "viral" cause that is diagnosed with fraudulent tests. The same trick is being played on repeat ad nauseum.

One of the greatest tricks perpetrated on the populace is convincing them that those who are healthy can make others sick. The asymptomatic carrier is a rescue device to cover up the fact that "pathogenic" agents are regularly found in the healthy.
Remember one thing when reading stories pushing rising cases of the avian flu, monkeypox, West Nile "virus," the latest "SARS2" variants, bacterial outbreaks & food recalls, etc.

Fear is a choice.

Become informed so that it is no longer an option.
A perfect summation of the problem by Dr. Montague Leverson In 1911. If only people listened to the voices of the past so that we could stop making the same mistakes in the present.
Dr. Montague Leverson was well aware of the fraud of rabies & the harm from Pasteur's treatments. In this letter, he highlighted a case where a man had been treated for 18 days at the Pasteur Institute & claimed "cured" only to succumb to the same symptoms of disease.

Many of Pasteur's contemporaries understood that the vaccination itself was linked to causing the exact same disease it was supposed to "cure." Rabies was considered rare, & most bitten by rabid animals never succumbed to disease even w/o treatment.
Antimicrobial resistance & the threat of "super bugs" is the cover-up for the failure of antimicrobials to effectively treat the diseases they are meant to "cure" & the deaths associated with their use. It is also a great excuse to push another toxic treatment: phage therapy.
Blood tests for cancer are an extension of the Testing Pandemic. These tests are unreliable, but there is a large untapped market of untested Americans waiting for the pharmaceutical companies to misdiagnosis and $ell them toxic drugs as a "cure." 🤷‍♂️
Move over bats, snakes, & pangolins. It appears that genetic testing now says that "SARS2" came from racoon dogs...or civet cats...or bamboo rats...or it may have been a lab leak. Scientists say they may never know the true pseudoscientific fiction origin of the "virus." 🤷‍♂️
It's time to realize that the title "scientist" today, in many cases, refers to modern day pseudoscience fiction storytellers who use models and simulations in order to weave their tall tales for those who will listen.
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2024/09/22 04:05:40
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