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Channel: VAHK 溫哥華手足 CHANNEL | Vancouver Activists of Hong Kong
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Aug 5 Petition Street Booth
Winnipeg is currently hosting the 2023 World Police & Fire Games. Hong Kong Police Commissioner Stephen Tse and around 300 Hong Kong police officers have arrived in Winnipeg, facing protests from local Hong Kong people. The Hong Kong police are known for their violent crackdown on Hong Kong citizens, including arbitrary arrests, intimidation, and violent attacks. Many Canadian Members of Parliament, including Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party Melissa Lantsman, Shadow Minister of Immigration Tom Kmiec, and Member of Parliament James Bezan, have expressed concern over the authorities granting visas to the Hong Kong police for the games.

On August 5th, Vancouver Activists of Hong Kong will hold a "One Person, One Letter" street event, encouraging people to contact their Members of Parliament to raise more awareness about this issue and urge IRCC to address the problem and respond appropriately.

Date: Aug, 5, 2023
Time: 12-1pm
Location: Outside the VIFF Center (1181 Seymour Street, Vancouver)
“8.31" fourth year of the Prince Edward Station Police Terror Attack
On August 31, 2019, several riot police officers rushed onto the platform and train at Prince Edward station, using weapons such as batons, guns, and pepper spray to attack unarmed passengers in the train cars. Nearly 50 people were injured and sent to the hospital. There were reports that some people were beaten to death by the police, but the law enforcement agencies and the government have not responded. Many details of the incident remain undisclosed to this day. However, the fact of police brutality is undeniable, and we refuse to forget! "Vancouver Activists of Hong Kong” will hold actions on August 26 (Saturday) and August 31 (Thursday) to commemorate this event. Please actively participate!

Action Details:
826 Collective Art Creation X Street Booth
Date: August 26, 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 12 - 2pm
Location: Outside Vancouver Art Gallery
We invite everyone to participate in the collective art work creation, using various methods to spread the anti-police brutality message to the local community.

831 Police Brutality Rally
Date: August 31, 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 7pm- 8pm
Location: Outside Metrotown Skytrain Station
Come out on this important day!
Remember history, and keep angry!
Please prepare white flowers.

#黑警 #警暴
#freehongkong #fightforfreedomstandwithhongkong
#香港獨立唯一出路 #光復香港時代革命

826 集體藝術創作X街站
時間:下午12 - 2

牢記歷史 保持憤怒!請自備白花*

8.26 - 我哋今次特別邀請咗藝術家Emily 義務幫我哋設計畫作,8.26 極需要大家一齊完成大型畫作!上一次Banner 製作可以咁快完成都係因為有好多香港人一齊參與,今次都好需要你嘅支持!Vancouver Art Gallery 見!
感謝Emily 無私嘅付出!

8.31 - 當政權想我哋遺忘香港人重要嘅日子,我哋更加要團結集結!831 集會見!

826 集體藝術創作X街站
時間:下午12 - 2

831警暴四周年 集會
喺重要日子繼續企出嚟!牢記歷史 保持憤怒!
「831 四周年集會」X 文宣展出

由本地藝術家Emily 設計,香港人共同喺8.26 完成嘅「831文宣大型畫作」將於831集會展出。
另外,聽日集會除咗有Emily 同幾位手足嘅分享,亦會開放平台等大家分享。如有興趣分享,可以集會前同我哋講或者pm我哋。謝謝大家!
831 見!


牢記歷史 保持憤怒!
831 Rally in Metrotown

“8.31" fourth year of the Prince Edward Station Police Terror Attack
On August 31, 2019, several riot police officers rushed onto the platform and train at Prince Edward station, using weapons such as batons, guns, and pepper spray to attack unarmed passengers in the train cars. Nearly 50 people were injured and sent to the hospital. There were reports that some people were beaten to death by the police, but the law enforcement agencies and the government have not responded. Many details of the incident remain undisclosed to this day. However, the fact of police brutality is undeniable, and we refuse to forget! "

The artwork for August 31st, designed by local artist Emily and collectively completed by Hong Kongers on Aug 26 will be exhibited at the 831 rally.
On 831 rally, besides Emily and several Hong Kongers sharing their experiences, the platform will also be open for everyone to share. If you're interested in sharing, you can talk to us before the rally tomorrow or PM us.
See you on 831!

831 Police Brutality Rally
Date: August 31, 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 7pm- 8pm
Location: Outside Metrotown Skytrain Station
Come out on this important day!
Remember history, and keep angry!
Please prepare white flowers.
923 中秋直幡人鍊行動

「溫哥華手足」計劃喺9月23日展示早前同大家一齊製作嘅「Free HK」直幡,並重現當年獅子山上嘅燈光,以燈光連繫離散各地嘅港人,喺世界一角仍有同路人未放棄呢一點光。同時我哋希望透過今次行動,向世界表達香港人堅持對抗極權嘅決心,相信香港有日能擁抱民主自由!


時間:下午4-7 時
報名及查詢:如有興趣參與或有航拍機借出+可幫手控制,請pm 聯絡我哋。
“Free Hong Kong” Human Chain
The Mid-Autumn Festival originally celebrates the joy of family reunions, but many Hong Kongers are currently imprisoned, deprived of their freedom, and unable to reunite with their families. Moreover, a significant number of Hong Kongers in Vancouver have had to separate from their families to escape the threats of the Chinese Communist Party, leaving behind their homes. However, those of us living abroad still hold a deep affection for Hong Kong, thinking of Hong Kongers inside the region and cherishing everyone who continues to work tirelessly in Hong Kong.

VAHK plans to display the banners we created together earlier and recreate the lights on Lion Rock Mountain, aiming to connect Hong Kongers scattered around the world with these lights as a symbol of unity. Even in distant corners of the world, there are still comrades who haven't given up on this light. At the same time, we hope that through this action, we can express to the world the unwavering determination of Hong Kongers to resist authoritarianism and believe that Hong Kong will one day embrace democracy and freedom!
This event requires a significant number of volunteers to help, so please actively participate.

Date: September 23, 2023(Sat)
Time: 4-7 PM
Location: West Vancouver Area
Registration and inquiries:
If you are interested in participating or have a drone available + can help with its control, please PM us.
Note: 1) Since the action takes place after dark, and hillwalking involves some risks, please assess the situation for yourself.
2)Participants, please bring your own strong flashlight/star-gazing pen.

For more about us, Vancouver Activists of Hong Kong (VAHK):
» TG group:
» TG channel:
» IG:
» FB:
» Linktree:
時間:下午12 - 2
遊行路線:溫哥華藝術館 遊行至 中領館參與溫支聯滅共集會(2pm)
黑衣為記 賀佢老母

101 Anti-CCP March
October 1st marks the 74th anniversary of the CCP's self-proclaimed founding. Not only has the CCP continued to erode the rule of human rights in Hong Kong, but it has also been increasingly aggressive in infiltrating other countries, threatening global democracy and freedom. VAHK will hold a march on October 1st to expose the CCP's devil behaviour to the world!

Details of event:
Date: October 1, 2023 (Sunday)
Time: 12:00 - 2:00 PM
March Route: Vancouver Art Gallery to the Chinese Consulate Vancouver to attend VSSDM’s rally at 2pm
Meeting Point and time Outside Vancouver Art Gallery, 12nn
1) The march will take approximately one hour; please assess your abilities accordingly.
2) Wearing black
Date: 2023-9-25(Mon)
Time: 7:15-8:00pm
Location: Pacific coliseum
100 N Renfrew St, Vancouver, BC V5K 4W3
See you all at 12pm!

時間:下午12 - 2
遊行路線:溫哥華藝術館 遊行至 中領館參與溫支聯滅共集會(2pm)
黑衣為記 賀佢老母

101 Anti-CCP March
October 1st marks the 74th anniversary of the CCP's self-proclaimed founding. Not only has the CCP continued to erode the rule of human rights in Hong Kong, but it has also been increasingly aggressive in infiltrating other countries, threatening global democracy and freedom. VAHK will hold a march on October 1st to expose the CCP's devil behaviour to the world!

Details of event:
Date: October 1, 2023 (Sunday)
Time: 12:00 - 2:00 PM
March Route: Vancouver Art Gallery to the Chinese Consulate Vancouver to attend VSSDM’s rally at 2pm
Meeting Point and time Outside Vancouver Art Gallery, 12nn
1) The march will take approximately one hour; please assess your abilities accordingly.
2) Wearing black
「溫哥華手足」喺10月1號舉辦咗「十一遊行奠國㷫」嘅行動,近百人由溫哥華藝術館遊行去中領館。喺個半鐘嘅路線之中,義工抬住棺材同習種車頭相,為自以為土皇帝嘅習種做忌、奠佢上路!我哋沿途高呼「Keep CCP out of Canada」、「No CCP」、「Free HK」、「Free Tibet」等等嘅口號,將中共對世界惡行同更多本地人宣揚!



我哋團結 其他人就會見到!
每一個崗位 每一個行動都咁重要!

所以除咗遊行集會,我哋日常生活都應該抵制極權支那製嘅產品、抵制Tik tok、we chat、小紅書、抵制新疆棉、關注所有受壓迫嘅種族、支持海外代理人法案嘅聯署,防止中國干涉加拿大事務!防止中共滲透威脅!
對抗極權 堅持到底!
On October 1, 2023, we held the "101 Anti CCP March" event, with nearly a hundred people marching from the Vancouver Art Gallery to the Chinese Consulate. Volunteers carried a coffin and a effigy resembling Xi Jinping, symbolically escorting what they see as the self-proclaimed emperor on his journey. Along the way, we spread awareness about the wrongdoings of the Chinese Communist Party worldwide to the local community!

The CCP's authoritarian regime continues to erode the rule of law and human rights in Hong Kong, extending its influence to other countries and posing a threat to global democracy and freedom.

Other than rallies, we should integrate our fight for freedom into our daily lives.  We encourage you to boycott Chinese products, including TikTok, WeChat, Taobao and little red book. We should educate ourselves with current news and affairs. We should sign the foreign transparency registry petition (link in bio), and share these messages and related news to your family and friends.

Finally we would like to extend a thank you to our incredible volunteers and thanks for Vancouver Police who opened up lanes from downtown to Granville Bridge all the way to our destination. They were so thoughtful and patient in guiding us through safely.

And last and definitely not least, we thank you for showing up and telling Hongkongers, our Allies and locals that we will continue to fight this battle, to make sure our politicians hear our concerns and fight the CCP here and abroad.

#antiauthoritarian #noccp #boycottchineseproducts
#freetibet #freeuyghur #freeeastturkestan
Meet the Journalists who covered the HK Protest and Authors of the New Book “Among the Braves” in Vancouver:

Journalists Shibani Mahtani (Washington Post) and Timothy McLaughlin (Atlantic) have published Among the Braves, a new book that tells the gripping history of the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement.

Register (Free)
Monday, November 20, 2023
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Vancouver Central Library

X (Twitter):
VAHK溫哥華手足:「憂鬱之島」電影私人放映會 X 手足對話
時間:下午 2:00至5:00

「溫哥華手足」將舉辦「《憂鬱之島》電影私人放映會 X 手足對話」,共同觀看2019反送中運動相關電影,互相分享作為海外港人的困難與挑戰,在亂世之中如何自處。


1) 報名方法: 請聯絡
- IG PM @vanactivistshk
- email [email protected]
2) 場地所限,先報先得。每個登記限取2個名額。
3. 手足對話主要以廣東話進行。
4) 費用全免。惟資金所限,放映僅用基本放映設備。如有不足,還請見諒
VAHK溫哥華手足:《香港人:黎智英為自由而奮鬥》電影私人放映會 X  手足對話
時間:下午 2:00至5:00


「溫哥華手足」將舉辦「《香港人:黎智英為自由而奮鬥》電影私人放映會 X  手足對話」,透過共同觀看黎智英相關紀錄片,了解佢嘅經歷同信念,並互相分享我哋喺海外點樣繼續支援香港在囚人士、應該發揮咩角色。


1) 報名方法: 請聯絡
- IG PM @vanactivistshk
- email [email protected]
2) 場地所限,先報先得。每個登記限取2個名額。
3. 手足對話主要以廣東話進行。
4) 費用全免。惟資金所限,放映僅用基本放映設備。如有不足,還請見諒

VAHK溫哥華手足:《香港人:黎智英為自由而奮鬥》電影私人放映會 X  手足對話
時間:下午 2:00至5:00


「溫哥華手足」將舉辦「《香港人:黎智英為自由而奮鬥》電影私人放映會 X  手足對話」,透過共同觀看黎智英相關紀錄片,了解佢嘅經歷同信念,並互相分享我哋喺海外點樣繼續支援香港在囚人士、應該發揮咩角色。


1) 報名方法: 請聯絡
- IG PM @vanactivistshk
- email [email protected]
2) 場地所限,先報先得。每個登記限取2個名額。
3. 手足對話主要以廣東話進行。
4) 費用全免。惟資金所限,放映僅用基本放映設備。如有不足,還請見諒
[安全警示] 一名自稱手足於2022年12月曾經聯絡團隊有關國安法通緝名單事宜,自稱相信被香港國安通緝,正申請難民,需要提出其被通緝之證據。由於團隊無從得悉國安法通緝名單,因此無法解答其查詢,事件亦不了了之。團隊從不同渠道得到消息,此人曾委託本地其他組織代為申請政治難民事宜,但後來撤回申請,並於2023年中返回香港,而疑似此人於2023年尾/2024年1月已返回溫哥華,並懷疑此人替香港國安作收集情報等工作。



如有疑問,請PM @VAHKTeam 

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