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After the atrocities in Ghouta, the Russians agreed to negotiate with the US on behalf of President Assad and eventually struck a deal to allow them to destroy Syria's illegal stockpile of chemical weapons.
⭐️ atrocity(名詞):暴行
⭐️ Ghouta:古塔
⭐️ negotiate(動詞):談判
⭐️ on behalf of(phrase):作為…的代表,代替…
⭐️ strick(動詞):可以指"罷工",但呢度係指"達成,制定"
⭐️ deal(名詞):協議
⭐️ stockpile(動詞):(大量)儲備,囤積

During the operation, US officials found about 1,300 tons of mustard gas and the nerve agents sarin and VX.
⭐️ operation(名詞):行動
⭐️ mustard gas:芥子毒氣
⭐️ nerve agent(名詞):神經毒劑
⭐️ sarin(名詞):沙林(毒氣)

But despite Syria joining the Chemical Weapons Convention that year, chlorine and other chemical weapons were still used numerous times by Russian-backed Assad forces.
⭐️ despite(連接詞):儘管
⭐️ Chemical Weapons Convention:禁止化學武器公約
⭐️ chlorine:氯氣
⭐️ numerous(形容詞):大量的
⭐️ back(動詞):可以指"後面",但呢度係指"支持"

Russia has also repeatedly used chemicals to poison wanted individuals abroad.
⭐️ repeatedly(副詞):多次地
⭐️ poison(動詞):毒殺,毒害
⭐️ wanted(形容詞):被通緝的
⭐️ individual(名詞):人士
⭐️ abroad(副詞):國外的

In November 2006, former KGB officer-turned British spy Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned by Russian agents in a London hotel. They contaminated his tea with the highly radioactive chemical polonium 210. He died of acute radiation poisoning three weeks later.
⭐️ agent(名詞):特工
⭐️ contaminate(動詞):可以指"污染",但呢度係指"毒害"
⭐️ radioactive(形容詞):有輻射性的
⭐️ acute(形容詞):十分嚴重的,急性的,劇烈的
⭐️ radiation(名詞):輻射
⭐️ poisoning(名詞):中毒

In March 2018 former Russian military officer Sergei Skripal, who had also turned spy for the British, was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok alongside his daughter Yulia in Salisbury.
⭐️ turned spy for the British:意思係Sergei成為英國間諜
⭐️ Novichok(名詞):諾維喬克(蘇聯開發嘅神經毒劑)
⭐️ Salisbury:索爾茲伯里,英國城市。前俄羅斯軍隊官員以及英方間諜Sergei Skripal及其女兒Yulia Skripal在英國城市索爾茲伯里被毒害

Both survived the attack, but two others - Dawn Sturgess and Charley Rowley - came into contact with the same nerve agent via a contaminated perfume bottle months later seven miles away in Amesbury. Ms Sturgess died almost instantly, but Mr Rowley survived. The dose found on the perfume bottle is thought to have been strong enough to harm 10,000 people.
⭐️ Dawn Sturgess and Charley Rowley:英國公民。平民,與俄方或英國情報局沒有任何關係,兩人因接觸偽裝為香水嘅神經毒劑諾維喬克,導致其中一人死亡。
⭐️ via(介詞):通過
⭐️ contaminated(形容詞):受污染的
⭐️ perfume(名詞):香水
⭐️ dose(名詞):劑量
⭐️ harm(動詞):傷害

Most recently in August 2020, Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny fell ill on a flight home to Moscow after being poisoned with Novichok. After receiving treatment in Berlin five certified laboratories confirmed the use of the nerve agent.
⭐️ Alexei Navalny:阿列克謝·納瓦尼。俄羅斯反對黨政客,曾多次被俄方嘗試毒殺
⭐️ treatment(名詞):治療
⭐️ certified(形容詞):被認證的
⭐️ laboratory(名詞):實驗室

"bottleneck"係英文入面make唔make sense啊?
Anonymous Quiz
make sense
唔make sense
總統澤連斯基:Had a phone conversation with @BorisJohnson. Received assurances of his support on the eve of tomorrow’s important meetings.
Assurances: 保證
On the eve of: 前夕

Olga Tokariuk:
With all eyes rightly focused on the tragedy of Mariupol, let’s not forget other Ukrainian cities on a brink of a humanitarian disaster.
On a brink of a humanitarian disaster: 處於人道災難邊緣/快將經歷人道災難
So many reports of outstanding cruelty of Russian invaders in Ukraine.
For years, Russian propaganda said that Ukrainians were subhumans, they prepared ground for this massacre.
Subhuman: 次等人
Grounds: 基礎;話俄羅斯官方宣傳不斷話烏克蘭人係次等民族,為而家入侵提供理據。留意當解作基礎/理由時,多數會寫作grounds而非ground
Russians threaten to obliterate Mariupol if the city doesn’t surrender.
Obliterate: 消滅,即係將全城盡毀,一概不留,程度較destroy(破壞)更為嚴重

Visegrad 24: Ukraine’s foreign minister warns that as the war grinds into its second month and Russian missiles and shells continue to rain down on Ukrainian cities, European resolve has begun to wane.
Rain down: 話導彈同彈殼好似落雨咁「大量降下」
Resolve: 決心
Wane: 動詞,解「減弱」。作為名詞時,亦有類似意思,例如CBC新聞網站2020年8月14日報導標題:Hong Kong journalists knew press freedom was on the wane. Jimmy Lai’s arrest confirmed it(香港的記者知道新聞自由正被削弱,而黎智英被捕便證實了這一點)

Illia Ponomarenko:
Surprise, surprise!
Macron has just wasted an hour of his time trying to persuade Putin into becoming a human being. Again.
Quite unexpectedly, Putin did not give in. Again.
Maybe Macron is fond of listening to Putin’s schizophrenic folk history delusions, dunno.
Surprise: 有時外國人寫嘢會故意講反話,所以睇清上文下理判斷意思好重要。Surprise字面解「驚奇」,但其實咁寫,係故意挖苦,類似我哋平時講「有咩咁出奇?」
Persuade … into becoming a human being: 人就係人,點解會由法國總統說服(persuade)普京成為一個人?其實係斥責普京禽獸不如,所以由馬克龍同佢通話,簡直浪費時間(wasted an hour of his time)
Unexpectedly: 意料之外,當然亦係講反話
Give in: 讓步
Schizophrenic folk history delusions直譯「帶點精神分裂,對民間歷史的錯覺」,指普京散播話俄羅斯人同烏克蘭人同根同源,所以要去「解放」烏克蘭,用嚟將侵略正當化嘅論述
話馬克龍鍾意(fond of)聽普京胡言亂語,當然亦係反話
Dunno即係don’t know

由於小編中左武漢病毒. 因此需要停刊一週
作者Benedict Rogers形容陳日君:He has always inspired me by his humble, gentle but steadfast courage, his commitment to truth and justice, his tireless advocacy of democracy, human rights and religious freedom and his unwavering refusal to bend to the wishes of the Chinese Community Party regime.
Steadfast courage: 堅毅勇氣
Tireless advocacy: 為[提倡人權等]努力不懈
Unwavering refusal: 堅決拒絕
Bend to the wishes of: 順從[中共]意願

In recent years he has visited Hong Kong’s prisons almost every day, to say Mass and pray with and for the growing number of political prisoners in the city.
話陳樞機日日探監。Pray with,「同……一齊祈禱」,即探監時一齊祈禱; pray for,「為……祈禱」,for之後就係要代禱、關心嘅對象

His arrest on May 11 – and the possibility that he may actually be put in prison alongside those he has been visiting – is outrageous and heartbreaking.

亞洲主教團協會主席,一直支持香港人嘅緬甸教區樞機貌波(Charles Baung Bo)批評拘捕陳日君不合理:In any system where the rule of law exists, providing assistance to help people facing prosecution meet their legal fees is a proper and accepted right. How can it be a crime to help accused persons have legal defense and representation?

Cardinal Zen, who was released on bail within a few hours of his arrest, is expected to face trial on May 24. It cannot be any coincidence that that is the day when the Church celebrates the World Day of Prayer for the Church in China, first established by Pope Benedict XVI, and the Feast of Mary Help of Christians and, for China, Our Mother of Sheshan.
Cannot be any coincidence: coincidence即「巧合」,作者話cannot be any coincidence,意思當局故意安排陳日君5月24日提堂,並非巧合

彭定康呼籲天主教徒響應祈禱行動:I hope that the Vatican and Catholics everywhere will protest about the arrest of a great Catholic pastor and advocate, and pray for his safety and well-being and that of the whole of Hong Kong.
Pastor: 可形容「牧師」職銜,但亦可以泛指關懷他人嘅神職人員(不論牧職職銜),咁嘅理解時可以譯做「牧者」。話陳日君樞機係pastor,並無「降級」或貶低之意,反而係強調佢好牧者嘅品格


Many Hong Kong activists found their political awakening at the annual vigil held in Victoria Park, and it became a ritual for many families in the city.
Political awakening: 政治覺醒/政治啟蒙
Ritual for many families,指好多人年年六四一家大細出席維園晚會,變成一種習慣(ritual)。雖然好多人批評以往六四集會行禮如儀,但對好多外國人(尤其有信仰嘅人)嚟講,為身亡嘅人嘅「禮」(ritual)係平常事,唔會有貶意

引述支聯會鄒幸彤:The government may be able to ban gatherings, but it cannot stop candles being lit in every corner of Hong Kong. The more one wants to stifle the light, the brighter the candle will burn.
Stifle除咗解熄滅火,亦可解遏制、阻止,例如:the National Security Law was enacted with the purpose of stifling freedoms(制訂國安法,旨在扼殺自由)
澳洲人Drew Pavlou手足最近喺倫敦中國駐英使館外示威被捕。佢被捕前,發現有大量以佢名義發出嘅電郵,其中一封發給大使館,指會炸毀大使館。有指佢被捕同疑似假電郵有關。Pavlou亦有可能不得出境
報章報道時會用emails purporting to be from / to belong to Pavlou。Purport即「聲稱/自稱」。報章唔可以百分百確定指呢啲係假電郵,所以會咁寫

Pavlou自己形容呢個係orchestrated campaign,即「精心策劃的行動」。用orchestrate一字,多帶有別有用心安排一件事嘅含意

Samuel Bickett: If all this is confirmed, there need to be consequences for the Chinese diplomats involved in the manufactured allegations (including expulsion from the UK for those protected by diplomatic immunity)
Manufactured allegations: 虛構指控
Expulsion: 驅逐出境
Diplomatic immunity: 外交豁免權,即領事、外交官等喺派駐地可免被檢控

諾定咸大學副教授Andreas Fulda: Those who still claim that the Chinese Communist Party doesn’t seek to interfere in liberal democracies should follow this latest @DrewPavlou saga closely.

Mark Sabah: this is astonishing … and part of a growing trend where #China stifles debate in countries around the world The @metpoliceuk need to be better educated to stop activists in the UK being falsely targeted for speaking out on #Uyghur #Xinjiang #HongKong
Stifles debate: 扼殺討論
以stifle xxx形容國安法最好不過,例如連南華早報2022年2月20日都有評論標題話National security: how stifling political dissent became part of Hong Kong’s rule of law(國家安全:扼殺政治異見如何成為香港的法治的一部分)

Jury: 陪審團
Jury trial/trial by jury: 陪審團審訊
Juror: 陪審員

The function of the no-jury provision in the national security law … is to reduce uncertainties of the trial outcome which is solely determined by judges handpicked by the chief executive.
所謂減少不確定性(reduce uncertainties),即係假如以陪審團審訊,陪審員可能會同情被告,判被告無罪嘅情況
Solely determined(僅由……決定),因為根據國安法44條,行政長官喺指定國安法法官時,「可」(may)徵詢國安委和首席法院意見,變相令行政長官可自行決定邊啲法官負責國安案件

It is likely … that the 47 primary cases will become a show trial as most of them have been detained for more than a year and the conventional practice of jury trial at Hong Kong’s High Court is removed by the executive.
Show trial: 可以拆開兩個字解作「為做show而設嘅審訊」,指為咗宣傳、做個樣,做場戲令人覺得對啲反對派有公平嘅審訊
形容陪審團審訊係conventional practice(慣常做法),因為普通法制度下一向有陪審團審訊
指陪審團制度「由行政當局取消」(removed by the executive),因為決定由律政司長作出,律政司就係行政當局一部分

Claims which safety of jurors would be at risk is absurd and an excuse for the judges who pledged their allegiance to Beijing to get maximum grip of the trial.
Pledged their allegiance to Beijing: 法官當然唔會直接宣誓效忠中共,但基於指定國安法法官嘅制度,法官判決時便有可能唔敢得罪中共,亦即黎恩灝所指show trial意思

The “foreign elements’ claim made by Paul Lam in his decision, if true, is an outright fabrication… Members of the jury are selected on a random basis. Together with the protection by the courts, jurors can be sealed off from the outside world during the trial. In such circumstances, how can the so-called “foreign elements” influence jurors’ decision?
Outright fabrication: 完全是無理藉口
Random: 隨機;陪審員隨機選出,所以不可能有「外部勢力」插手
Sealed off from the outside: 指若陪審員有安全擔憂,可以喺審訊時作特別安排,令陪審員不被外界見到

國際Twitter組公海有人將特朗普今年9月3日一個集會嘅片段,因為見到PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP稱銜,就誤以為係特朗普以前做總統時嘅舊片段。呢個係關於美國人嘅特別習慣,要解釋一下。
喺美國,當報紙、新聞主播向第三方(觀眾/讀者)介紹一名前總統時,會用former President形容。但當喺集會等場合,直接稱呼一名前總統,亦可以用嗰個人之前嘅公職銜頭稱呼,所以係咁嘅情況下,就可以稱呼特朗普做President Trump。
同樣道理,拜登競選總統時,喺集會、辯論等場合,可以稱佢做Vice President Biden(即使佢喺奧巴馬任內做副總統,且當時已卸任多年)。而希拉莉喺奧巴馬任內做國務卿(Secretary of State),2012年離任,但而家都可以稱呼佢做Secretary Clinton。
呢種習慣,係美國人獨有,香港人可能唔太習慣。我哋稱呼已離任嘅行政長官,就只會叫former Chief Executive(前行政長官)。
Thousands in Hong Kong braved sweltering heat to pay their respects to the late Queen Elizabeth II in a tribute seen by some as a quiet snub to Beijing’s squeeze on civil liberties in the former British colony.
Sweltering: 熱得難受
Pay respects: 留意respect作為名詞,解「尊敬」時,屬不可數名詞,所以唔會加s,但解作向人致意、問候時,就會加s。致敬另一常見用法,係pay tribute to
Late: 用喺名字前,即係「已故」
Snub係斥責,quiet snub就即係話呢種無直接指責中共,但透過懷緬殖民地管治,間接落佢面嘅舉動

Carrying flower bouquets and standing in lines that snaked hundreds of meters from the British consulate on Monday, many expressed feelings of nostalgia for the city’s past as they signed a condolence book and paid their respects to a monarch known among older generations locally as the “boss lady.”
Nostalgia: 留戀昔日嘅好事
事頭婆譯做boss lady,若大家留言時咁稱呼女皇,相信外國人都會受落

任建峰話:Under the British, we were second class citizens, but under China we are not even citizens(在英國人統治下,我們屬二等公民,但在中共統治下,卻連公民都不如)

形容鍾太片段被刪事件:A local television interview with one mourner was scrubbed after the woman said she wanted to pay her respects to the 96-year-old “great leader”
Mourner: 哀悼者

鍾太嘅至理名言,記者咁樣翻譯:I want to commemorate this great leader. Why? Look at how many people are here, this is what the people want.
Commemorate: 紀念

Lord (David) Alton: 47 heroic defenders of democracy arraigned before a CCP kangaroo court in a show trial.
Arraigned: 提訊,刑事程序之一,指將被告帶上法庭,向其讀出要檢控嘅罪名
Kangaroo court: 不公正嘅法庭
Show trial: 可用廣東話理解為「做show嘅審訊」,即為宣傳、針對反對派等目的,擺個樣作出嘅審訊,而結果跟本喺審判前已決定,或結果大家都心知肚明
Heroic作為形容詞,即英勇、崇高,heroism作為名詞,解英雄/無畏嘅行為/品質。Thijs Reuten就話Standing up to totalitarianism is not a crime. It’s heroism(對抗極權不是罪,而是英勇行為)

Colombe Cahen-Salvador: 47 #HongKong democracy leaders are charged with subversion under the sham national security law imposed by #China.
Sham: 虛假。美國上議院外交關係委員會亦形容今次審訊係sham trial

上議院外交關係委員會:This charade illustrates #China’s destruction of the rule of law and how afraid it is of different opinions.

Most defendants pledged guilty to minimize sentencing.
應該係pleaded guilty(認罪), pleaded not guilty即「不認罪」

Many of them have experienced solidarity confinement, a form of torture, for trivial reasons. Sharing chocolate and hair clips, publishing an update on Facebook…… that’s a form of extralegal punishment they suffered.
Solidarity解團結,所以其實應該係solitary confinement(單獨囚禁)
Trivial reasons: 瑣碎、微不足道嘅原因
Extralegal: 法律以外

The prison walls encompass them not because they’ve done anything wrong, but because the govt wanted them to be silenced.
Encompass: 圍繞、包圍
Lord (David) Alton: Monstrous that @nathanlawkc HK family are being targeted.

Benedict Rogers: Totally, utterly and completely outrageous and unacceptable to harass the innocent family of a courageous exiled activist.

Luke de Pulford: This is on us. The UK did nothing except hand-wring following last week's warrants and bounties.
若你去酒吧,同朋友講drinks are on me,即係你請大家飲酒,費用「由我負責」。Luke話this is on us,可有兩層解釋:
1. 英國政府本應有責任應對港共政府行動,例如制裁官員
2. 英國人/國際社會應該發聲、支持被通緝人士
Hand-wring: 即兩手交疊,面露擔心、憤怒等表情,但言下之意係表達完感受就算,即「有姿勢,無實際」

Laura Harth
If someone still nurtured hope that #HongKong would remain different from mainland China ...
The exact same transnational repression tactics used to silence dissent at home and abroad prove otherwise.
句尾prove otherwise,即係話第一句嘅講法已被證明錯誤。全句可譯成:「或有人仍然對香港可保持與中國內地不一樣的制度,抱有希望,但與中國所採取一模一樣的跨境鎮壓,用以消滅國內外反對聲音的技倆,已證明此說站不住腳。」
Exact ... tactics,指嘅係同內地一樣嘅技倆
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