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Channel: The Return
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Forwarded from Wild Folk
We speak often of the need to get outdoors. We are all aware of the many mental and physical health benefits - fresh air, exercise, sunshine, the list goes on. However, less regularly do we discuss our intentions when we do venture out into rural and wild spaces.

Any regular outdoorsman will testify to the dramatic increase in foot traffic in the countryside over the last year. Moreover, a dramatic increase in those who don’t quite seem to belong in the countryside, and unfortunately, do a great deal of damage to our natural historic landscapes. This is less so a deliberate malicious attack and more so a matter of mindlessness and complacency.

These ‘touch grass’ tourists are entirely disconnected from the history and significance of the areas they roam - their primary focus being the perfect Instagram shot or something equally hollow. As a result they leave litter, their off-lead dogs frighten and injure livestock, their ignorance of the importance of following signed guidelines has them trampling rare recovering grasslands, destroying threatened species habitats and more.

Our intentions determine our actions, and these people have no real intentions.

Their vast swathes aid in the commodification of these rural zones, and inevitably, following commodification comes regulation.

You are not exempt from this because you’re “based”. You’re not an exception to the rule because your photos are for a Telegram channel and not a “vapid” Instagram account.

So consider, what are your intentions? Why are you heading out? Why are you going to the area you have selected? What is significant about this place? What are its stories and legends? Take a minute to identify some local flora, read about the rare species that nest there. Stop just going out, and start moving with purpose.

We are fighting a losing battle to protect these spaces. If you wish to be within our historic landscapes, you have a duty to be proactive in not only educating yourself but being mindful of your intentions within them.

This will benefit not only the preservation our countryside, but also your sense of belonging within and connection to it.
On caveat I have on this - whining about off leash dogs is an urbanite/European concern. Since moving to the countryside i havent seen a collared, contained dog in months unless the dog is agressive. The reason? If they get bitten by rattlers while wearing a collar theyll choke out and die.
Neighbors dog (she's healed now) after getting bit by a rattle snake. They can heal from this without meds but not if they've been strangled.
Forwarded from Autism Central
It's over
Fresh roadkill can keep you fed without ever having to give money to the jews if you dont know how to survive hunt and trap yet get out and eat a hit coon
Forwarded from Eric The Thughunted
How do you know it's fresh?
Forwarded from Deleted Account
Look at the eyes smell it and pull the fur
Forwarded from Deleted Account
If the fur pulls easily its old
If the eyes cloud over its old
Doesnt necessarily mean bad but you have to access damage and if theres gut damage old = bad if its hot old = bad if it stinks its probably bad but they also let out gas
Forwarded from The Eternal Possum
"There is no law that says we have to go to work every day and follow our employer’s orders. Legally there is nothing to prevent us from going to live in the wild like primitive people or from going into business for ourselves."
Good news for the frogs (and bad for other reasons)
Forwarded from The End Times
Bout to feast
Forwarded from 2000 WARLORDS
When the jew system eats itself bitcoin will be worth nothing. So the warlords are releasing a brand new currency, introducing Beancoin. Leadcoin coming soon
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2024/06/07 10:25:42
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