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🇬🇧🇺🇸 #English - Appeal from LA QUINTA COLUMNA
If you are a scientist in any branch of Biology such as botany, zoology, genetics or exobiology, etc., if you are a biotechnologist, an engineer or a chemist and you can contribute with knowledge or ideas about what is seen in the first part of the video (Drop 1), please contact us at the following e-mail address:

[email protected]


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Mik Andersen
One of the pioneer on disclosing nanotechnology in the vials

Here a 26pages presentation
(Jan 2023)

Dr Astrid Stuckelberger

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Nanobots That Release synthetic pathogens, communicate with AI computers via the internet and Harvest Energy From the Body

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🇬🇧🇺🇸 #English - Analysis on Covid-19 "vaccines" performed by Prof. Lorena Diblasi and Dr. Marcela Sangorrín in the Province of Neuquén, Argentina.
Analytical techniques used : scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX), and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS).

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Many elements like iron, uranium, calcium, rare earth elements,…besides graphene oxide have been detected in the Covid vaxX vials.

The courts, ministry of health, politicians, are silent in the face of the complaints lodged by scientists in many countries on the toxins detected in the Covid vaxX vials. Meanwhile more people are being injured and killed by these injections.

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Scientific analysis of scientists in a number of countries have confirmed the presence of graphene, graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide nano particles and structures in the vaxXines and other products.

The political and medical leaders of the countries must be held accountable.

Nano tech (self assembling Graphene lipids) is in the Covid vaxxines and many types of vaxxines. (Agenda 2030)

At the end of this video Dr Mike Yeadon plea for unity to fight this deployment of Nano tech to transform human beings.

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🇬🇧🇺🇸 #English - Analysis of the “dengue vaccine” Qdenga, and of the “flu vaccine” Istivac 4, carried out by the biotechnologist Lorena Diblasi before a Notary Public.

Graphene oxide is found in the same way as in “covid vaccines”, a material not declared in the composition.

What is happening is terrible: they are introducing a toxic and radiomodulable material in all types of inoculums.

We call on the entire scientific community to analyze in their respective countries, not only “covid vaccines”, but any injectable, and denounce it to the relevant authorities.
The entire world population is being poisoned❗️

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What Causes COVID-19?
The short answer is, “COVID-19 is caused by *engineered nanoparticles.*”

The “spike proteins” are genetically modified pathogens created from modified RNA (mRNA) and inorganic materials, such as graphene oxide.

(Graphene oxide, made magnetic is energized by 4G, 5G wifi to self assemble into nano circuits)

The nanoparticle technologies are classified by the FDA as devices, not biologics. SARS-CoV-2 is not a virus. It’s a *software encoded biosynthetic pathogen delivered via self-replicating and self-assembling engineered nanoparticles*.

Today’s “pandemics” are caused by mRNA gene-editing nanoparticles that inoculate humans through injections, food, beverage and surface contamination, as well as aerosolized attacks.

Video Report

2)Self Assembling Nanotechnology and “Rubber Clots” Explained by Dr Ana Mihalcea MD PhD
What is it? In whom is it growing? How can we eliminate it?
The quantum dots are nano robots which grows the synthetic tissues using metals and lipids.

3)An Analysis on Covid-19 "vaccines" performed by Prof. Lorena Diblasi and Dr. Marcela Sangorrín in the Province of Neuquén, Argentina.
Analytical techniques used : scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX), and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS).

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Exposing the Forbidden Technology Secretly Controlling Mankind... & Why It Will Fail


Wide Body Area Network
Nano graphene lipids sensors in the body
Up grade of the global body area network: Covid vaxX
Satellites in the body area network

Protections for the home

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After scientifically observing what they called “vaccines” under the microscope, La Quinta Columna concludes humans have been injected with what they are calling a “liquid interface” of a massive implantation of the humans species by another species, which they suggest are demons.

They have compared an implant inside a person who has experienced the “alien abduction” phenomenon and the COVID injection contents, and found the components to be the same.

They advise the aim is to have control over the human head and central nervous system, because it leads to, and I quote,
“demonic possession.”
(Internet of bodies via 4G 5G with the AI internet of computers)

They say 5G is essential to this control of humans through this demonic technological control.
(by the Black nobility, Freemasons,
Royals, Globalists,
Jesuits, Vatican)

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🇬🇧🇺🇸 #English - Analysis of Gonasyl 50, a so-called "vaccine" for bovine cattle. This analysis was carried out at the request of people working in the livestock sector in Spain, who had seen their cattle die suddenly after this "public sanitation intervention, etc.".

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🇬🇧🇺🇸 #English - What they call a brain implant (Neuralink) is not a "microchip" that is installed in the brain. It goes through veins and arteries, and uses nano (graphene lipids and metals) and microtechnology (quantum dots) to (cross the blood brain barrier) permeate directly into neurons. It has been treacherously injected into the entire world's population through fake "vaccines" Mr Musk.

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“The Bio-nanoscale machines [behind the IoBNT Internet of Bio Nano Things] are for injecting into the body … And that is going really well with these Covid vaccines. It’s going that direction. These mRNAs are nothing [other] than small scale, nano-scale machines. They are programmed and they are injected.”

Not only have many of these investigators reported undeclared and often apparently bizarrely (bio)mechanical, self-assembling nano- and micro-contents in Covid-19 injections,[89-108] those using electron microscopes and spectroscopy have found carbon-based structures consistent with graphene and/or other carbonaceous micro- and nano-materials [109-116], including growing, non-biological structures,[117, 118] and silicon and metals,[119-125] many of which have been embedded in the carbon-based assemblies.[126-132] Those metals and other elements have included aggregates of iron-chromium-nickel nanoparticles (ie stainless steel), bismuth-titanium-vanadium-iron-copper silicon-aluminium[133], aluminium and thalium[134, 135], iron oxide[136], caesium, barium, iron, chromium, titanium, cerium, gadolinium, aluminium,[137] tin, magnesium, aluminium[138, 139] and more. PCR swabs from a range of manufacturers, moreover, have been found, using a Field Emission Gun Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive System, to host several unidentified structures, along with dust (whether common dust or smart dust), containing silicon, carbon, aluminium, potassium, oxygen, magnesium, titanium, iron and sulphur.[140]

To examine the issue, Sarlangue et al. employed a between-subjects design which returned the rather astonishing finding that 40% of “vaccinated” individuals and 50% of those who had received PCR swab tests (out of 17 vaccinated or swabbed subjects in all) appeared to emit alphanumeric signals in the frequency range corresponding to Bluetooth signals, compared to none in the unvaccinated, unswabbed group (consisting of 20 subjects).

In 2013, Bachelet gave a talk to TedMed Israel explaining that a single hypodermic syringe contains a thousand billion such robots, which his team had equipped with antennae made from metal nanoparticles. He told the audience that the antennae enabled the nanobots to carry their own IP address, and to respond to external electromagnetic fields, facilitating access and control by the likes of an X-box joystick, or a smartphone. The talk included a microscopic image of the nanobots, which Bachelet described as computers the size of molecules, and which, like many images of structures in Covid vaccines, appeared as rectangles.

the seminal 2015 paper introducing the IoBNT, whose aim is “networking within the biochemical domain, while enabling an interface to the electrical domain of the Internet”, proposes deploying synthetic cells inside the human body, including those with an electromagnetic nano-transmitter where the nucleus, and DNA, should be.[239] The lead author was the same Professor Akyildiz who said that the progress of the nanomachines behind the IoBNT was “going really well with these Covid vaccines”.

Nine years later, in April of 2024, citizen microscopists using a high resolution optical microscope observed what they describe as a catastrophic alteration in red blood cells, which they had first detected several months prior, and had observed increasing in prevalence since.[241, 242, 243]. Consistent with the 2015 IoBNT paper, the microscopists interpret their findings as reflecting, “alteration of human biology, [including] use or production of Electro-chemical structures such as Proteinosomes (Electro-chemical logic gates/circuitry), and much more.”[244]
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

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