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Channel: diaryofbrokenheart 🥀
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and it's okay to be scared, we just have to do it anyway.
and if anyone here is afraid of changes, know that you're not alone.
be strong, be bold and be brave until you finally can say "i made it"
One lie can end million trust.
people love to talk to me when they bored
You betrayed me while my heart was pure towards you,no words can describe how destroyed my heart that time.
feeling sorry for everything
Memory fade out , but the pain remains.
"Takdir Allah itu sangat cantik."
you should try to love me more.
The pain you’ve caused won’t easily heal with just an apology
Happy birthday to me and i lose myself today😊
Was too busy giving my all for you , that i ended up losing myself.
slowly healing from everything
Only put your energy into things you have a future with.
The fact that we put so much efforts to fix what been broken but look back we're the only person who still climbing the stairs ..
selamat hari raya sayang sayangku semuaaa
i remember being here when i was 14, posted about quotes & toxic thoughts to help people express what they felt through my words.
and now i am 18, time sure change people. people come and leave, that's the thing that stayed the same. anyways, i wish for happiness and peace to everyone that read this.
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2024/04/25 14:48:47
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