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Channel: SHACKhead°🇵🇸
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Forwarded from Black Pearl🇵🇸
Don’t be afraid to start over again. This time, you are not starting from scratch, you are starting from experience.
Forwarded from SHACKhead°🇵🇸
You know what I let you know...
Forwarded from SHACKhead°🇵🇸
To be continued...
“Each time you open a book and read, a tree smiles knowing there's life after death
Forwarded from SHACKhead°🇵🇸
Hi Emma it's the year 2020 are you still enjoying your nap...☹️🖤
There ain't love like our love.
Be real, stop gaslighting and lying, do it for your own sake.
Don't kill me.
A knife can lose its edge, but it can be sharpened again.
Cuts and bruises.
Think fast...
You don't know how strong you have been until you get touched with some love.
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2024/04/23 14:53:17
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