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Forwarded from New Earth News 17 (Sarah 5D )
The Remedy Serum is now available in our shop! 💚

We took Echinacea, Comfrey, and Calendula and infused it using our Plasma Infusion process with Avocado & Moringa Oil. The intention was to bring a healing oil into creation, one that can be used to help the skin's natural healing process (because our skin is already pretty badass by itself)! And what we got was far beyond our expectations..

Here is a little more insight on what processes the ingredients used are helping your body with!

🌸 Echinacea Purpurea is a packed with potent anti-viral and
anti-microbial activities. Germs do not build a resistance to it and it protects against
free radicals and oxygen species. Echinacea finds its place in this serum with its ability to fight against infections, an important factor any wound in the healing process.

🌼 Calendula is a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal agent.
It promotes faster healing on the skin by increasing collagen production and works to reduce any redness or swelling.
Forwarded from New Earth News 17 (Sarah 5D )
🌱 Comfrey contains allantoin, a substance that promotes the growth of new skin cells and speeds regeneration of connective tissues. Comfrey is also rich in tannins, a kind of compound that has an astringent effect on blood vessels, making it effective for controlling bleeding and speeding the healing of bruises.

🥑 Avocado Oil is high in Vitamin C and E, potassium, and fatty acids. This helps to fight and reduce damage from UVB rays, it is also helpful for creating a barrier of protection on the skin and increasing hydration. Avocado Oil also contains lineolic acid, which is associated with anti-microbial actions, inhibiting bacterial growth on the skin and reducing inflammation.
🌿 Moringa Oil has strong emollient properties, helping skin to retain moisture and prevent inflammation/ flaking. This oil is known to be very purifying, helping to protect the skin from environmental and allergenic substances, along with pathogens and damage. Moringa Oil is also anti-fungal, and is packed with Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and omega-9 fatty acids.

We are so so excited about this new one! Click here for more info 🥰
Most of you won’t read any of those. You’ll give excuses like the font is too small, or it doesn’t mean anything to what is relevant or happening today.

We all make choices. Isn’t it fun?

The Bible that is used now is corrupted, edited, and used as a tool to mock God.

This Bible belonged to my Great Grandfather, given to him by his parents as inscribed on the inside, and passed down through my family to me.

Who and what do you TRUST in this day and time you’re existing in?

There is about to be a second moon in the sky. Take of that what you will.

There are Angels among you. And you didn’t make it HERE by coincidence.

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