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Source: IG @nottsstandwithhk


We express our deepest gratitude to all who attended "The Forgotten Ones 那些被遺忘的人" event. Your presence and commitment have made this event a tremendous success. Together, we will continue to fight for justice, freedom, and human rights.

#UK #Nottingham #毋忘2019 #毋忘抗爭 #612四週年 #反修例

Source: IG @nottsstandwithhk


We express our deepest gratitude to all who attended "The Forgotten Ones 那些被遺忘的人" event. Your presence and commitment have made this event a tremendous success. Together, we will continue to fight for justice, freedom, and human rights.

#UK #Nottingham #毋忘2019 #毋忘抗爭 #612四週年 #反修例

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