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⚔️ Týr is a god in Germanic mythology. Stemming from the Proto-Germanic deity *Tīwaz and ultimately from the Proto-Indo-European deity *Dyeus, little information about the god survives beyond Old Norse sources. Due to the etymology of the god's name and the shadowy presence of the god in the extant Germanic corpus, some propose that Týr may have once held a more central place among the deities of early Germanic mythology. ⚔️ #GermanicGods #GermanicPeople #GermanicPaganism #Aryanism
🏛 Should we bring back Roman trivia week? 🏛
Anonymous Poll
Forwarded from 🏛 Hellenic Mythos 🏛
🏛 “Philosophy begins with wonder...”

Socrates ~ Greek Athenian Philosopher

470 BCE ~ 399 BCE

"Η φιλοσοφία αρχίζει με το θαύμα..."

Σωκράτης ~ Έλληνας Αθηναίος Φιλόσοφος

470 π.Χ. ~ 399 π.Χ. 🏛
Two Steps From Hell - Final Days of Rome (feat. Felicia Farerre).mp3
Forwarded from Celtic Esotericism
The Aspects of the Celtic Soul
1. The Appearance or shape (delbh)
2. The elements which make up the body (duile)
3. The animating principle or breath (ana'l)
4. The mind and will (menma)
5. The memory (cuimhne)
6. The Self (fein)
7. The shadows or shape-shifting form (Puca)
8. The shade or soul (enaid)
Source: The Book of Ogham by Michael Kelly
Heljarför (Sigurbodi Vocal Version)
⚔️ Vocal version of the song above ⚔️
Heljarför (Sigurbodi Vocal Version)
⚔️ Vocal version of the song above ⚔️

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Happy New Year , Hail our people and Hail Victory 88 !

⚔️ Just For people who will doubt that this is Bjorn Ironsides burial mound let me explain. Bjorn ironside founded Munjö dynasty that ruled Sweden for hundreds of years. This grave is in the area outside of Stockholm called Munjö. It lies beside a road that is named björn järnsidas väg. (Bjorn ironside road) ⚔️
⚔️ The blood eagle is a ritual method of execution, detailed in late skaldic poetry. According to the two instances mentioned in the Sagas, the victims were placed in a prone position, their ribs severed from the spine with a sharp tool, and their lungs pulled through the opening to create a pair of "wings". There is continuing debate about whether the rite was a literary invention, a mistranslation of the original texts, or an authentic historic practice. ⚔️ #norsemen #germanicpeople #vikings #norsepaganism #germanicpaganism
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