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Since 2003, the percentage of live births occurring in a health facility has more than doubled to 88% in 2022.

The percentage of deliveries in a health facility ranges from 50% in both Turkana and Mandera to 99% in both Nairobi City and Nyeri counties.
There is a somewhat unclear relationship between cereal yields (tonnes per hectare) and nitrogen fertiliser use (kg per hectare).
Kenya and South Africa have reported persistently negative PMIs for a whole year, suggesting poor economic conditions, with bleak employment prospects.
The vaccination coverage rate for basic antigens declined from 79% in 1993 to 57% in 2003, and thereafter gradually increased to 80% in 2022.

Vaccination coverage decreases
as birth order increases; from
61% for first birth-order to 40%
for sixth or higher birth-order.
Flying contributes just 2.5% of the world’s carbon emissions. According to Gössling, S., & Humpe, A. (2020), just 10% of the world flies in most years.

Between 1990 & 2019, both passenger and freight demand has approximately quadrupled, although energy efficiency has increased.
According to Worldometers, Japan had the second biggest net decrease in population at a whopping -657,179.
Prices $/kg
Jan-Dec 2021
March 2024


Coffee, Robusta


Source: World Bank Commodities Price Data (The Pink Sheet)
1545980108_Weekly CBK Bulletin April 12 2024.pdf
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1545980108_Weekly CBK Bulletin April 12 2024.pdf
NSE Weekly Report 12th April 2024.pdf
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NSE Weekly Report 12th April 2024.pdf
The prevalence of stunting has declined from 40% in 1993 to 18% in 2022.

The prevalence of wasting and
overweight have been remained the same since 1993.
Only oil producers Equatorial Guinea, Angola and Cameroon have more than 6 months import cover worth of reserves.

Island States like Comoros are exceptions.
IMF observes that strength of labor supply in developed countries is partly due to immigration, which has been especially helpful in countries with aging populations.
Prevalence of stunting is highest in Kilifi at 37% and lowest in Garissa & Kisumu at 9%.
1346787391_Weekly CBK Bulletin April 19 2024.pdf
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1346787391_Weekly CBK Bulletin April 19 2024.pdf
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2024/06/18 11:11:02
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