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Channel: Khul World - ክሁል
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"Unforgettable Wholeness Day at Khul Wholeness Center:

Take a trip down memory lane as we recall an incredible event filled with transformative experiences. Participants explored diverse packages, discovering inner peace and personal growth. Stay tuned for more opportunities to embark on your own journey to wholeness.

When was the last time you took some time for yourself? Join us on our next #11 wholeness day on April 28.

For reservation send your name, number and #KWD on @khulservice or +251932333382


#khulworld #khul #WholenessDay #TransformativeExperiences #InnerPeace"
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Sending love to those who feel left behind, because they are not behind at all. ❤️

Share this message with those in stress, reminding them that they are not alone. 🤗💪"


#khul #khulworld #SpreadLove #SupportEachOther"
🧘‍♀️ሳምንታዊ የህብረት የአርምሞ ጊዜ ከዮፍታሔ (ሃፒ ) ጋር

ዘወትር ረቡዕ ምሽት ከስራ በኃላ  ከ 11:45 ሰአት ጀምሮ በክሁል ሁለንተናዊነት ማእከል ፡፡
“አርምሞ ከራስ መሸሽ ማለት ሳይሆን በተጨባጭ ከራስ ጋር ግልፅ እና እዉነተኛ መሆንን የምንለማመድበት ሂደት ነዉ፡፡“ 
ካትለን ማክዶናልድ

አድራሻ፡- ክሁል ማዕከል ዮኒከን ህንፃ አንደኛ ፎቅ ፣ ቦሌ ሩዋንዳ በድልድዩ ስር ወደ ቦሌ ሚካኤል መሄጃ መንገድ በሶስተኛ ቅያስ በኩል እንገኛለን

ቦታ ለማስያዝ፡- በቴሌግራም ሊንክ @Sebawi_net ወይም በስልክ ቁጥር 0978677777 #ልቦና ብለዉ ስምዎትን እና ስልክዎትን ያስመዝግቡ 

#የህብረት_አርምሞ #Mindfulness #የልቦና ልህቀት
Happy New Monday Khul Friends 😊

Embrace the new week with a positive mindset and a heart full of gratitude. 🌟
#Khulworld #Khulwholeness #MondayMotivation

Human Possibilities
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🐼 "We've Got You, Po! 🌟 Find Inner Peace Amidst the Voices at Khul Wholeness Center. 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️

Join us every Wednesday for our community meditation at Khul Meditation Center, where we'll support you in conquering your inner voice struggles, just like Po! 🧘‍♀️🐼
See you there!

#khul #khulworld
#WevGotYou #Innerpeace #communitymeditation #HarmonyWithin

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"Happy World Earth Day from Khul Wholeness Center! 🌍🌿

Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature through our Meditation, Yoga, and Barefoot Fest. 🧘‍♀️🌱 Let's celebrate our planet's wonders, connect with the Earth's energy, and embrace a holistic approach to well-being

. Join us in honoring and cherishing our magnificent world. 🌎


#EarthDay #NatureCelebration #Meditation #Yoga #BarefootFest"
What if there is an event that will immerse you, connects you with and brings ease to major aspects of yourself and your life?

A full Day of Wellness, Playfulness and Oneness

The 1st of its Kind in Ethiopia with wide variety sessions for Self-exploration, Self-expansion and Self-Discovery happening in one single day,
To Recharge, Reprogram and Renew your BODY, MIND, EMOTIONS and ENERGIES

Package includes

Meditation | Creative Exploration | Inner child journey | Yoga | Tapping (EFT) | Breath Work | Sound Therapy | Ecstatic Dancing | Lunch | Training materials

When : Sunday Apr.28
From 8:30am morning

Important information about the program click here >>>>>>

For reservation send your name, your number and #WD on telegram @Khulservice or +251932333382

Human Possibilities!
Khul Wholeness Center
4 things to help us heal our innerchild.

Join us at our upcoming Wholeness Day event for a transformative experience in healing your inner child. Connect with like-minded individuals, participate in workshops, and learn powerful techniques to nurture your inner child.

Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your self-care journey and embrace wholeness. Register now!

Know someone who need this?share it!

For reservation send your name, number and #KWD on @khulservice or +251932333382


#khulworld #khul #WholenessDay #TransformativeExperiences #InnerPeace
Khul World - ክሁል
🧘‍♀️ሳምንታዊ የህብረት የአርምሞ ጊዜ ከዮፍታሔ (ሃፒ ) ጋር ዘወትር ረቡዕ ምሽት ከስራ በኃላ  ከ 11:45 ሰአት ጀምሮ በክሁል ሁለንተናዊነት ማእከል ፡፡                                     “አርምሞ ከራስ መሸሽ ማለት ሳይሆን በተጨባጭ ከራስ ጋር ግልፅ እና እዉነተኛ መሆንን የምንለማመድበት ሂደት ነዉ፡፡“  ካትለን ማክዶናልድ አድራሻ፡- ክሁል ማዕከል ዮኒከን ህንፃ አንደኛ…
የህብረት አርምሞ🧘🏽‍♀🧘🏾‍♂️🧘
በሙሉ ጨረቃ ውስጣዊ እድሳትን አብረውንያጣጥሙ 🌕

ዛሬ ምሽት ከስራ በኃላ ከ11:45 እስከ 1:30 ድረስ በክሁል ሁለንተናዊነት ማዕከል እንዲካፈሉ ተጋብዘዋል::
አሁኑኑ ቦታዎን ያስይዙ
ቦታ ለማስያዝ ፤ ስም፣ ስልክ እና #ልቦና ብለው በቴሌግራም መሥመራችን @Sebawi_net ላይ ይላኩልን

Less than 3 Days to Go to a special Wholeness day concert 🎉🎉

Few of the sciences you will learn and Practice on this powerful event this Sunday are

>The Science/Practice of Processing Childhood Traumas and Blockages
>The Science/Practice of your MIND and the Breath
>The Science/Practice of Manifestation
>The Science/Practice and Power of PLAYFULNESS, Absolute acceptance of yourself
>and many more secrets in your inner world

Important information about the program, price and other details
»» click here

reserve your spot by sending your name, number and #KWD
on telegram @khulservice +251932333382

#Wholeness #Concert #innerchild #traumahealing #meditation #manifestation #Soundvibration #ecstaticdancing #tapping

How are you feeling?
Let your emojis do the talking 😁
Share us your feelings with emoji

#feeling #emotion #expression #khulworld #khul
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