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Islamic Bookshelf
Before any moronic brainwashed neo-Nazis trot out the usual “But Hitler arrested the Rothschilds!” line… Baron Louis de Rothschild wasn’t really “arrested”. He was kept in an extremely luxurious hotel. He was then ransomed off for $21 million. Hitler had…
Pictured above are some houses of the “Black Nobility” elite families. These include the Aldobrandini, Medici, Colonna, Este, Orsini, Pallavicini, Borgia, and Farnese families among others. These families have been around since many centuries prior to the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and other globalist scions of today.
The connections between Babylon, Rome, Venice, the Vatican, Templars, Jesuits, Masons, Zionism etc are all there.

The graphic is a bit simplistic but a good starting point and outline for those who want to research these topics.

All this information is on the public record. In order to connect the dots you must be able to
1. Think coherently and understand basic logic
2. Locate and critically examine primary sources
3. Collate and synthesize information from a myriad of different branches of knowledge

One of the pitfalls of public schooling is that you are taught that history is merely a series of unconnected random events. To analyze history (or any other branch of knowledge) correctly one has to have the right metaphysical/theological foundations and worldview. One must be able to unify the sciences. What public schooling does is that it randomizes the sciences so people cannot connect the dots regarding anything.

The satanic cabal has many factions. Once you understand these connections then history and the events going on today will make a lot more sense. We must go beyond the typical alt media “everything was good until 1776 and the Rothschilds took over the world” trope.

Read our earlier post on “Aristocrazia Nera” for more details. More specific examples and information regarding all the aforementioned groups and their influence on global affairs today will be posted in the future.
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
The structure of the Marja` system (yes, it is a Sunni concept)

This layout has been drawn up from Imam Muwaffaq ud-Din Ibn Qudamah’s Al-Mughni: Sharh ul-Mukhtasar il-Khiraqi, vol.10, pp.46-58 and vol.11, pp. 380-391; Imam Abdul Qadir ibn Umar At-Taghlabi’s Nail ul-Ma’arib bi-Sharhi Dalil -it-Talibi Li-Nail il-Matalib, pp. 434-435

Credit to Shaykh Abu Ja’far al Hanbali
Islamic Bookshelf
A Return to Purity in Creed: Iljam al-awwam ʿan ʿilm al-kalām

About the book

In this book, Imām Abū Hamid al-Ghazālī proves, once again, to be a man of the times by striking a balance between two extremes and refocusing the common Muslim on the simplistic beauty of the Islamic doctrine as learned and transmitted by the early Muslim community.

Imam al Ghazali here warns with great details about the detriments of engaging in polemical theology. Complete with explanatory notes, this translation is of great benefit for English readers.

About the author

Imam al Ghazali (d.505AH/1111AD) was known as “The Proof of Islam” and is one of the most influential scholars in all of Islamic history. He was a mujtahid with complete expertise in many sciences.
A master Ashari theologian, jurist in the Shafi’i school, and Usuli. He is considered unanimously by Mujaddid (Renewer) of his era.

About the translator

Shaykh Dr Abdullah bin Hamid Ali is a scholar of Islamic law and theology. His research interests include the interconnection between law and identity formation, comparative Islamic law, and Islam’s role in the modern world. He is currently a professor at Zaytuna College.
He received his BA or Al-Ijazah Al-‘Ulya from Al-Qarawiyyin University in Shariah in 2001. He received both his MA and PhD from the Graduate Theological Union in 2012 and 2016, respectively.
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
Media is too big
"How was the [Japanese] PM selected? There were four the end of the speeches, Henry Kissinger walks into the room, he didn't even listen to the speeches, was not present to hear the speeches. He walks over to future PM Miyazawa and puts his arm over his shoulder. That was it. It was as simple as that.
Kissinger says to me “This is how politics is done in the real world.”

“This amazing display of concentration of power in the hands of non-elected and unelectable individuals. Realpolitik. Politics of reality: threats, bombings, death, seizures, etc. That's how politics is done." Analyst, Consultant, and Reporter John Bosnitch

(Bosnitch worked as a reporter in Tokyo for nearly 20 years, his father was good friends with Kissinger. Bosnitch witnessed the above selection of the Japanese PM firsthand. In the second part of the clip he discusses Zbigniew Brzezinski’s role in Yugoslavia. Credit to Hrvoje Morić for this interview)
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
Regarding “Islamist” Thought
After reading modern Islamic political thinkers such as Afghani, Abduh, Iqbal, Maududi, Syed Qutb, and observing the Muslim Political trends in the past century..
It is clear that they all have more similarities to Montesquieu, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and Kant rather than Imam Mawardi, Imam al Ghazali and Ibn Khaldun, etc.

Most self styled Islamists today (fanboys of Maududi, Qutb, and co) would do well to actually learn their basics first. Whether it’s about the Deen, Siyasah, or Tareekh.
Like their role models, they lack knowledge in both Ilm al Kalam and Tassawuf. Without correct knowledge of our own history and principles and what is actually going on today, most action will be futile or even detrimental to our cause.

It is of little surprise therefore that sects like the Wahhabis and “Islamist” movements (like the “Muslim Brotherhood”) are often subverted by Western intelligence agencies and end up harming actual grassroots political movements.
It’s important to note that many so called Sunni and Sufi groups fall into this as well. They are also not immune to being kicked around like a football by the enemies of Islam. (Ahbash, Naqshbandi Haqqanis, and perennialist goofys and others)

It is imperative for all scholars to have a basic understanding of the political situation in their area and of geopolitics as well. Not everyone can be an expert, many great ulama have made political blunders. These blunders do not impact the veracity of their scholarship in other fields. (For example, Imam Sabuni’s tafsir is still a must read, even if he was unaware of the reality of the situation in Syria.
Shaykh Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah is obviously a benchmark for scholarship and excellence even despite his close association with the Ikhwanis.)

But living in a globalized world today, politics affects everyone. We must have students and ulama who specialize in these fields properly.
As long as the “traditional Sunni ulama” eschew politics, it will be left in the hands of the enemies of Islam (Zionists/Jesuits/whoever else) or in the hands of well meaning but utterly incompetent and unqualified people (most Ikhwanis).
Islamic Bookshelf pinned «Regarding “Islamist” Thought After reading modern Islamic political thinkers such as Afghani, Abduh, Iqbal, Maududi, Syed Qutb, and observing the Muslim Political trends in the past century.. It is clear that they all have more similarities to Montesquieu…»
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
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🇵🇸💔 Children of Gaza relieve their fear from brutal Israeli bombardment by sending salutations to our Prophet ﷺ
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
Israel Sold American Weapons to Iran With Khomeini’s Approval, Used Money to Fund Likud and Israeli Settlements

At the 2D level, the relationship between Israel and Iran is antagonistic. One is a Zionist state and the other is supposedly an “Islamic Republic”.
In light of Iran’s recent “attack” vs Israel, it is important to remember the actual history between these two countries. At the 3D level, they have worked together very closely.

In the 1950s and 1960s under the Shah’s regime, the Iranian intelligence service SAVAK received training from the Mossad.
The Iraqi Jew Yaakov Nimrodi was Israel’s main man in Tehran.
Even after the puppet Khomeini’s “Islamic Revolution” in 1979, the relationship didn’t sour.
As we know, Khomeini while in “exile” in Paris had already spoken and made deals with the State Department in America, to not actively oppose America.

Israeli military and intelligence officials openly brag about selling weapons to Iran to fight Iraq. During the 1980s it is estimated that Israel was selling over $500 million dollars worth of weapons annually to Iran.
Khomeini himself approved of this.
Just look up the history of the Iran Contra affair. [You will see Adnan Khashoggi and Mr Jeffrey Epstein pop up here in the 1980s doing arms deals]

Israeli leaders have also spoken about how the money made from selling weapons to Iran has gone into funding the Likud party [to whom Netanyahu belongs], and to helping build illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land.
Iran also continued to openly sell oil to Israel well into the 1990s.

None of this should come as a surprise to those who have studied the Wall Street funding of Hitler. Or the Wall Street financing of Communist USSR and China. The “Sunni” state of Turkey has had an equally close relationship with Israel and only recently did Erdogan say that trade had stopped.
Never think in 2D terms. Don’t get fooled by rhetoric. Always follow the money. It is not worth our time siding with any corrupt politicians or being nationalistic.
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics

Par la grâce de Dieu, la traduction française du livre révolutionnaire de Cheikh Tahseen Khan a été achevée par un de nos chers amis.

Vous pouvez l'acheter sur Amazon.étique-création-originelle/dp/B0D3XZJ3KF/

Après l'émergence de la théorie de l'évolution, les érudits musulmans ont tenté de concilier les croyances traditionnelles de l'islam sur l'origine de l'homme avec les idées évolutionnistes. La question de la filiation biologique d'Adam (‘alayh al-salam) a été centrale dans ce débat. Pendant plus d'un siècle, ils ont élaboré des arguments pour soutenir la création originelle d'Adam face à la théorie de l'évolution, souvent en opposition à d'autres musulmans adoptant une approche différente.

Cette étude examine la création d'Adam en utilisant l'approche logique des dialecticiens musulmans. Elle vise d'abord à démontrer la possibilité d'un être humain créé sans filiation biologique, puis à prouver son existence réelle. L'auteur critique les incohérences théologiques qui découleraient de la négation de la création originelle d'Adam, affirmant que cette croyance demeure certaine malgré les implications de la théorie de l'évolution.
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
Meet Benjamin Netanyahu, Unconvicted War Criminal by James Corbett

(Show notes and comments at )

Today on the latest edition of the Corbett Report podcast, James does a deep dive into who exactly Benjamin Netanyahu is. He runs the gamut on him and goes over
1. Netanyahu’s background and rise to power
2. The terrorist history of Zionism
3. False flag attacks
4. 9/11 and Iraq War
5. International financiers and the myth of international law
6. War crimes done by Israel against Palestinians throughout history
Forwarded from Rigel Publishing
The caliphs are fundamentally caretakers of the earth, leaving inhabitants of the earth to be largely autonomous in an absence of centralisation of power, balancing everything that—not they—but which Allah has ordained—from justice itself to the equitable use of natural resources.


Now available on Amazon:
Forwarded from The Foreword (Mahdi)
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الحمد لله

Please join our new book club: The Zoom link will be posted in the Telegram group before each session.

Our first book is A Unique Pedagogical Approach in the Qur'an, which is available from Nawa Books and Amazon (scroll down for the Amazon links):

And with Allah alone is every success!
Islamic Bookshelf
Nahj al-Balāghah: The Wisdom and Eloquence of ʿAlī (Parallel English-Arabic Text)

About the book

Taken from Brill

Nahj al-Balāghah, the celebrated compendium of orations, letters, and sayings of ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib (d. 40/661) compiled by al-Sharīf al-Raḍī (d. 406/1015), is a masterpiece of Arabic literature and Islamic wisdom studied and memorized avidly and continually for over a thousand years. Showcasing ʿAlī’s life and travails in his own words, it also transcribes his profound reflections on piety and virtue, and on just and compassionate governance. Tahera Qutbuddin’s meticulously researched critical edition based on the earliest 5th/11th-century manuscripts, with a lucid, annotated facing-page translation, brings to the modern reader the power and beauty of this influential text, and confirms the aptness of Raḍī’s title, “The Way of Eloquence.”

Note-Not everything in the book can authentically be attributed to Imam Ali. There are many errors and Shi’ite biases. With that being said, many Sunni scholars have attested to the authenticity of parts of the work. It is of great value as a text to study in the field of rhetoric.
The parallel English-Arabic text is especially useful for students.

About the author

Sharif Al Radi was a Twelver Usuli scholar who lived from 970 to 1015 AD. He was an author of a commentary on the Qur’an among other writings. He is most well known for compiling Nahj al Balaghah

Nahj al Balaghah also has many commentaries on it. Some of the most famous ones include the Sharh of the Mutazali Shafi’i scholar Ibn Abi’l Hadid (d.1258AD), the Sharh by the Zaydi scholar Al-Mu'ayyad Yahya who ruled Yemen from 1328-1346 AD, and the Sharh by the modernist Shaykh Muhammad Abduh (d.1905AD)

About the translator

Taken from Brill

Tahera Qutbuddin
, Ph.D. (1999), Harvard University, is AlBabtain Laudian Professor of Arabic at The University of Oxford. Author of the award-winning Arabic Oration: Art and Function (Brill, 2019), she has published widely on Islamic preaching, Muḥammad’s ḥadīth, ʿAlī’s sermons, Fatimid poetry, Tayyibi Bohra literature, and Arabic in India.
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