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Thread Experiment :

After hooking into pthread, I noticed something strange.

Thread removal from multiple libraries :

UE4 : Game won't start.
anort : Game won't start.
anogs : Game started but random crash (anort mod detection crash sub_12BA2C)

So we can assume anort & UE4 has some important threads which are spawned instantly on the logo. Fun fact no lib was loaded when I hooked pthread on anort.

By : @Rhythm113

Support : @InfinityCreators1
1.9 MB
Global 64 Bit Modded libanogs

Use anort crash fix if it crashes.

Don't wanna use mod ?

0x000cee10 : d2c0035fd6

Just replace before opening the game.

Support : @InfinityCreators1
Avoid using inline hooks.
vm_readv with thread injection. Working fine without ban.
vm_writev with symbol & thread based hook coming for mod menus.
1018.6 KB
Pthread hook example with source.

My new injection library is based on vm_writev.

For debugging Log tag is : RHM

Just load the library.

Share & Support : @InfinityCreators1
iMGUI implementation without egl hooks?
IMGUI Project Status : libsdl2 static has been built successfully for arm64.
SDL Patch to build a 64 bit library :

File : SDL_spinlock.c

Code :

//Patch for arm64
#elif defined(GNUC) && defined(aarch64)
int result;
asm volatile (
"ldaxr %w0, [%2]\n"
"stlxr %w0, %w1, [%2]\n"
: "=&r" (result) : "r" (1), "r" (lock) : "memory");
return (result == 0);

//By : @Rhythm1
Time for glm
1.6 MB
SDL2 library.

Built on : Termux (A13)

Target arch : aarch64

By : @Rhythm113
791.7 KB
GLM library.

Built on : Termux (A13)

Target arch : aarch64

By : @Rhythm113
Some Q/A regarding my recent posts.

Why shouldn't we use HOOKS?

Hook related : System level hooks like memcpy, egl buffers, pthread etc. can be detected by passing multiple test arguments. The same overall rule "Don't tamper with the system libs cause they can be recovered in Android". So always go with UE4.

What are the libs I sent ?

They are GLM & SDL2 which allows you to use math, algos & opengl library to render iMGUI Windows or esp line without any hooks or root. Most of them were built for 32 bit, I just compiled them & applied some patches to support 64 bits.
Devs fixed UE4 Swap Buffers detection meanwhile we start to hook . Now that's fixed so we are back to UE4.

The cat & mouse game goes on.
After ages gonna work on a termux based bypass project. Thanks to my old personal scripts & sources from @proxcrypt (Dead channel).

Stay tuned! might take some time to arrive.

Support : @InfinityCreators1
694 B
Purpose : hook_code > hex_code

Add your hook code to the a() function, compile & run this. You'll get the hex of that func.

Using this you can get edit hex of a hook.

Run this you'll get:

Func Hex : A0 00 80 52 C0 03 5F D6 (Edit of return 0; / function a();)

Author : @Rhythm113
Ano SDK binding test passed successfully (Including libc functions)
pthread injection project successful
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2024/06/26 05:10:13
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