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A test version of EGOIST's S22U-S24U config beta (v21.2) ported to S20 FE Snapdragon.

* camera IDs, order (to align settings), and UW name in profiles;
* custom "Max lens focus value" (minimum manual focus distance) for the main and tele cameras.

Must be used with EGOIST_LIBv28.2 library (see the next post or

How to use:
* install AGC 8.4 v9.6 (ruler or scan3d)
* copy the config file (.agc) to Internal storage > Download > AGC.8.4 > configs
* open AGC
* load the config:
⚙️ > Load Configs
* import the library (.so):
⚙️ > More settings > Libraries > Copy third-party lib to app
* select the library:
⚙️ > More settings > Libraries > Load custom library

For optimal results, use correct profiles for your pics. See the profiles info in the original config post:

All credit goes to @EGOIST23.
Except the credit for added bugs, this goes to me (@te_tsu).
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Forwarded from Mohamed Mokhtar (NGOM 2.0)
Galaxy S23 FE sgcam by Mokho.xml
36.3 KB
Galaxy S23 FE config Exynos Version by Mokho🔥

• Guaranteed to work on gcam 8.5 all versions.
• First release of this config.
• I don't know if this works for Snapdragon. Use it on your own.
•  Take better photos than stock on 1x and 2x.
• Fixed the ultrawide lens and black screen on clicking one of the zoom lens when using camera for the first time.

Known bugs:

• Slow-mo doesn't work at all.
• Noise when taking photos up to 5x.
• No video stabilization.
• No zoom when zooming between 8x and 10x.
• No 60 FPS support.

How to import:

On sgcam, double-click between the shatter button and "view photos" button.
Forwarded from Mohamed Mokhtar (NGOM 2.0)
Galaxy S23 FE sgcam by Mokho v1.01F.xml
37.6 KB
What's new?

●Quick fix for Night sight.

○○Same bugs as previous, I'm working on it○○
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Forwarded from Stunner _Rudra
Rudra LMC R15 V4 SAM .xml
155.7 KB
A config for A52 and LMC 8.4 R15.

By- Rudra

Note:- Just load the xml, no need of any lib

Leica mode for vignette effect
LDR mode for shadow photos
pro mode for extra sharp photos

natur mode for vivid and saturated colours
main mode for natural colours
dark mode for low exposure photography at night

exposure compassion button at top ( on it when clicking human shots)

Res mode for 64mp photos

known issues:
macro not working

work on sd phones and feel free to share the results
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Forwarded from Jalil Warraich
Javasabr's S23U medium config v41 (for AGC9.1 v14fix) adapted to S21U snap
1. Turned off ISO Max ZSL Analog
2. Reverted Black Levels to Auto
3. Inserted min focus distance values for all lens

How to install the config for AGC9.1
1. Download and install the APK with package ruler or aweme:
2. Download the config file
3. Move the config file to "<internal storage>/Download/AGC.9.1/configs/"
4. Provide file permissions to AGC (it automatically asked about this when you open GCam settings)
5. Load the config: go to profile selector (a button on top right side of camera viewport) -> Load Configs -> choose the config
6. Done

1. Balanced-LDR - profile in low dynamic range style with balance between image quality and motion artifacts
2. MaxQ-LDR - profile in low dynamic range style with focus on max image quality
3. Astro - profile in low dynamic range style optimized for shots in dark conditions or using Google astro mode
4. Balanced-HDR - profile in high dynamic range style with balance between image quality and motion artifacts, to have maximum HDR need to use night mode even for day shots
5. MaxQ-HDR - profile in high dynamic range style with focus on max image quality, to have maximum HDR need to use night mode even for day shots
6. Sport - profile in low dynamic range style optimized to capture motion objects

Generally LDR profiles handle better motion and have deeper shadows and better volume than HDR profiles, HDR profiles have brighter shadows and better highlights because uses merging frames with different exposure, especially in night mode.

All credit goes to @javasabr
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Forwarded from Mohamed Mokhtar (NGOM 2.0)
Galaxy S23 FE sgcam by Mokho v2.5.xml
41.9 KB
Galaxy S23 FE Exynos sgcam 8.5 by Mokho v2.5🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

• Next generation of night mode.
• Fixed auto focus.
• Optimized people faces color/colour
• Fixed portrait issues.
• Improved stabilization.

Sadly, after one ui 6.1 on s23 fe slomo no longer supported on 3rd party cameras, so sadly, I have to remove slomo permanently, and because no longer device has no slomo, we can't record in 60 fps.
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2024/04/24 10:19:48
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