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‘Caste is a well kept secret within Islam’, says Faiyaz Ahmed Fyzie

‘The term ‘Pasmanda’ refers to OBC Muslims, comprising economically and socially backward members of the community.

Pasmandas reportedly make up 80-85 per cent of India’s Muslim population.

The Print’s Neelam Pandey spoke to activist and columnist Faiyaz Ahmed Fyzie on the issue of Pasmanda Muslims.
The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire | Documentary Film

The film reveals how at the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands.

Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.
Heroin in the Himalayas.

There have been claims of Pakistan pushing drugs into the India’s border state of Punjab, as an act of alleged Narco-terrorism for decades. Once Punjab doubled down on drug trafficking in the state, its neighbour Himachal seemed to have become collateral damage.

India’s northernmost state Himachal Pradesh is in the grips of a heroin crisis, with double the number of illegal opioid users per capita as compared to the rest of India.

VICE World News’ Esha Paul meets drug peddlers, recovering addicts, and the police on Himachal’s borders to see how a rural state known for being a tourist paradise spiralled into an opioid epidemic.
Roshni – Ray of Light

This documentary Is filmed entirely in the Kullu valley of Himachal Pradesh and Dehradun in Uttarakhand. It is an important film and immensely relevant for the times we live in today.

It not only embodies the spirit, values and mindsets of the people who reside in the Himalayas but also portrays the sheer exuberance and untouched beauty of the place.

The film features Dr. Vandana Shiva, a quantum physicist and vedic ecologist. Dr. Om Kumar Sharma, a Sanskrit Scholar and Sanskrit school principal, Margaret Alva the former governor of Uttarakhand, Vidya Rao an Indian classical vocalist and literary writer amongst others.

You can watch film here -
ANI Podcast - Colonel Hunny Bakshi, Ex-Commanding Officer of TSD

14 years have passed since the terror attacks of 26/11 in Mumbai by Pakistan-sponsored terror organisations. For the first time ever hear from the man who led an elite covert counter-terror unit that took the fight to the enemy. Colonel Hunny Bakshi, Ex-Commanding Officer of Technical Support Division (TSD), a Military Intelligence unit set up in 2010 in the aftermath of 26/11.

In an illuminating conversation with Smita Prakash, he talks about the idea behind the unit, his investigation that led to the unearthing of the Adarsh Housing Society scam, the operations conducted, and the politics that resulted in controversies for him and the unit.

The survivor of three IED attacks shares about the role the media played and the consequences the nation had to face. Throughout the conversation, he talks about the discipline of the Indian Army and how it stands with the democratic principles of the country.
Life After Drug Death

Watch this short documentary to understand the impact of drug addiction on a Punjab village and how things didn’t change with change in government in the state.
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Poison In The Valley: Kashmir Overtakes Punjab In 'Drug Abuse'

After waves of militancy and unrest, Kashmir has now been gripped by a rising drug addiction with over 10 lakh people indulging in substance abuse. It is estimated that almost 40% of those using drugs in the region suffer from an overdose, with easy availability of substances driving addiction and deaths. A general sense of hopelessness in Kashmir has also pushed a big chunk of the valley’s youth to drug addiction

MOJO goes on the ground to explore the plight of these drug addicts and what is driving young people to drug abuse.
A Million Cuts: India’s C-Section Epidemic | Undercover Asia

A C-section is the surgical method of delivering a baby, meant to be used in complicated pregnancies. It’s a lifesaving procedure, but in India, millions of mothers are going under the knife unnecessarily.

The Cesarean section rate in India’s private hospitals is a whopping 47.4%, far greater than the 15% threshold recommended by the WHO.

As private hospitals of all kinds mushroom across the country, C-sections have become a money-making racket.

An increasing number of doctors have little patience for normal deliveries and are in a hurry to wield the scalpel. Hapless mothers in their hands are forced to undergo surgeries which comes with risks for both mother and baby.
Khorasan Files: The Journey Of Indian 'Islamic State' Widows

Thiruvananthapuram to Tora Bora: Sonia Sebastian/Ayisha, Merrin Jacob/ Mariyam, Raffeala and Fathima Isa/Nimisha in the 'Islamic State' terror group. This StratNews Global Exclusive ties Indian women with MBA and engineering degrees to the world's most bloodthirsty terrorist group. We piece together an account of how two groups of 60 Indians made their way from Kerala to Kabul and then Khorasan.

This is some of the questioning of the wives and widows of Indians who left, lived, fought and died for the 'Islamic State' in Afghanistan.

Married and widowed in the 'Islamic State', Indians are among the more than 1,400 men, women and children who surrendered to the Afghan government in November and December, 2019.
Behind Closed Doors | Documentary on How West Encourages Global Corruption.

A Documentary about corruption in high places and those who enable it.

Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) are people who hold a public function and as a result present higher risks of being involved in Bribery, Money Laundering or Corruption. Offshore leaks have revealed repeatedly that PEPs use British finance and British offshore jurisdictions to launder their wealth, hide their wealth and re-invest that wealth back into the global financial system. London is the place where they buy property, where they take legal action against their critics and where they live when they fall from grace.

But what happens when a developing country fights back and attempts to get Britain to return the money that it claims has been stolen? Watch Behind Closed Doors and find out.
MINIMALISM: A documentary about the important things examines the simple lives of minimalists from all walks of life – families, entrepreneurs, architects, artists, journalists, scientists, and even a former Wall Street broker — all of whom are living meaningfully with less.
Fedup of the oppressive regime under Mamata, Hindu gangrape victims in West Bengal have burned down properties of TMC leader Sheikh Sahajahan and his henchmen.

According to CM Mamata's statement in WB Assembly, these gangrape victims are liars and Sheikh is innocent.

WB Police under Home Minister Mamata Banerjee, have turned a blind eye to the gangrape vicitms for several years, and even mass petitions to CM Mamata Banerjee have been ignored, and no Police action has been taken against Sheikh.

Instead Mamata's Police leaked the names of the Hindu gangrape vicitms, and they were again tortured by Sheikh Sahajahan and his men.
Holy f*ck!!

You b*tch Mamata, you have defended a mass rapist.

This scale of sexual assault is unheard of in India's history!
"Now It Can Be Told" by Prof AN Bali, one of the few books that must be read on massacres of Punjab during partition, a book which Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had banned in 1949.

It’s available online in PDF version on archive.

Must read —
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2024/09/28 22:27:24
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