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Channel: DiaryKuπŸ’•
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jangan buat macam aku takda hati, aku penat
Terlalu dilema
Taktau lah sayang ke tak?
Kadang rasa aku ni tempat dia melepaskan bosan
Don't worry too much about the future.
What's meant to be, will be.

Focus on what you're doing now.
Live in the present and make it beautiful.
Do your best, and let the future build itself.

Kenapa dan mengapa ?

Aku? Bukan orang lain?

Sebab ini sudah tertulis

Pada kalamnya

Tolong lah dengar suara hati


Aku dah penat
At this point, we are all worried about our future.

But always remember that what is written for us is written by the Greatest Writer. It will always work out just fine in the end. Just learn how to control your worries, & make full use of the present.

Have faith in Him.
Banyakkan bersyukur,
jangan terlalu mengeluh
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DiaryKuπŸ’• pinned Deleted message
Jangan biarkan orang lain tidur dalam keadaan sedih disebabkan kau.
I care too much, that's how I get hurt.
you'll be okay im here for you always
Bila fikir balik, kehilangan jugak sebahagian dalam hidup. Cuma kita belum ready nak hadap benda tu.
sometimes i feel like everyone is happy without me :)

im strong but,

i got a heart too .
I really hope this 1 January 2021 is going to be a good beginning of year 2021. Surprise me with something great & beautiful and moga dimurahkan rezeki. Amin.
Tak minta jadi kaya. Cukuplah dikurniakan rezeki seperti air yang mengalir. Itupun sudah memadai. Aamin ❀️
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