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Channel: Brainy Quote™️
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Brainy Quote™️
Hi, This is Notcoin 👋 Tap on the coin and watch your balance grow. How much is Notcoin worth? No one knows, probably nothing. Got any friends? Get them in the game. That way you'll get even more coins together. Notcoin is what you want it to be. That's…
The mining phase ends on the April, 1.

Filled with fun and joy, bugs and bots, rickroll and short diy films, potato servers overload and endless hackathon, frens and beautiful skins, leaderboards and battles, pepe-rockets and growth growth unstoppable growth.

But more importantly, the community. How many of you have just found new frens, talented authors, secret chats, maybe made your own otc for vouchers or just created some theories about morse code. Thousands. Hundreds of thousands. Millions. Impossible numbers.

Like Notcoin itself. “It’s almost not supposed to happen”. Probably nothing that became the largest crypto community ever.

Let’s celebrate it.
No drops, no shitty funny marketing. Let's just acknowledge what we've been up to these past few months.

The team built the app, but it is you who’ve seen something. Something that doesn't fit to what one might expect. Absurd, but makes sense. That’s you who got it. That’s all you guys. Me and all the contributors are thankful for every single day and night building it for you, with you.

Let’s celebrate the very last week of the mining phase, frens.

What do we feel now?

Probably nothing but love 💛
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No matter the weather is, I’ll play for you forever…
Brainy Quote ™️
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Brainy Quote ™️
Join and earn free airdrops who knows you will be millionaire 🤩
Brainy Quote ™️
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"You deserve a lover who takes away the lies and brings you hope, coffee, and poetry."
Brainy Quote ®
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I disappear sometimes, it’s my thing.
Brainy Quote ®️
📌Dear Families

Most of you Unmuted Our channel and it is very Supportive To us We really Appreciate that, But Some of you still muted our channel, Since we are using Silent Broadcast There is nothing to annoy you & it will be A lot to us if u Unmute it ! Thanks In Advance.
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2024/04/25 16:04:11
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