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Channel: BitMEX Sniper
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🔴 Liquidated Long: 51K contracts at $59,972
🔴 4.8M contracts sold at $59,922
🔴 Liquidated Long: 87.9K contracts at $59,772
🟢 3.13M contracts bought at $60,802
🔴 Liquidated Long: 49.6K contracts at $60,400
🔴 Liquidated Long: 38.3K contracts at $60,182
🔴 Liquidated Long: 893K contracts at $59,960
🟢 Liquidated Short: 865K contracts at $60,744
🟢 Liquidated Short: 114K contracts at $60,928
Forwarded from Bybit Liquidations
🥳 Giveaway 🥳

Up to $100 for grabs 🔥

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🟢 5.33M contracts bought at $61,696
🟢 10.9M contracts bought at $62,715
🔴 Liquidated Long: 40K contracts at $61,012
🔴 2.21M contracts sold at $61,520
🟢 3.8M contracts bought at $61,788
🟢 Liquidated Short: 124K contracts at $61,812
🟢 7.68M contracts bought at $62,419
🟢 7.68M contracts bought at $62,419
🟢 6.2M contracts bought at $62,000
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2024/04/18 04:51:07
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