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Channel: BitMEX Sniper
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🟢 4.08M contracts bought at $64,747
🟢 2.79M contracts bought at $65,450
🟢 Liquidated Short: 693K contracts at $65,914
🟢 Liquidated Short: 75.2K contracts at $66,005
🟢 Liquidated Short: 75.3K contracts at $66,008
🟢 Liquidated Short: 45K contracts at $66,220
🟢 2.24M contracts bought at $66,006
🔴 4.78M contracts sold at $65,988
🟢 4.43M contracts bought at $66,450
🟢 Liquidated Short: 46.6K contracts at $66,594
🔴 3.19M contracts sold at $66,454
🟢 13.5M contracts bought at $67,210
🔴 Liquidated Long: 53K contracts at $66,986
🔴 Liquidated Long: 176K contracts at $66,630
🔴 2.09M contracts sold at $66,801
🔴 Liquidated Long: 636K contracts at $66,224
🟢 7.1M contracts bought at $65,969
🔴 Liquidated Long: 420K contracts at $65,860
🟢 2.06M contracts bought at $66,187
🔴 Liquidated Long: 80K contracts at $66,671
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2024/04/26 07:01:15
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