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Channel: Binance Academy
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Want to win a rare NFT?
Not only can you trade trustlessly using an AMM, but you can also become the house by providing liquidity to a liquidity pool. This allows essentially anyone to become a market maker on an exchange and earn fees for providing liquidity.
Whether you want to use stop orders to limit the potential for loss, or OCO orders to plan for different outcomes simultaneously, being aware of the trading tools available to you is essential.
Holding #BTC but want to harvest the latest yield farming opportunity on #BSC?

No worries, you can maintain exposure to your Bitcoin while still participating in #DeFi on Binance Smart Chain.
Alpha Homora makes it possible to leverage your yield farming position up to 2.5x.
However, as it’s usually the case with using leverage, the risks are amplified as well.

Let’s see how this all works
Imagine if the Bitcoin protocol could adjust how much bitcoin is in user wallets to achieve a target price.

You have 1 BTC today. You wake up tomorrow, and now you have 2 BTC, but they’re each worth half of what they were yesterday.

That’s how a rebase mechanism works.
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