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Forwarded from Eurosiberia
The day after
“Serve your cause with all your faith and all your devotion, and worry not about the results; for to man belongs the will, and to God belongs the way.”

Abir Taha, The Epic of Arya

Purchase the book here:
Forwarded from Eurosiberia
The Trader and the Hero

Constantin von Hoffmeister juxtaposes the archetypes of trader and hero to reveal the ethical and existential divide that shapes human orientation, focusing on aspects such as material accumulation versus self-sacrifice, imitation versus creation, entitlement versus duty, and the preservation of the past versus the pursuit of an ever-becoming future.

Read the essay here:
“Winter will pass and eternal spring will arrive. The stronger the winter storms, the richer the spring beauties.”

— Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
Wyndham Lewis, ‘Ezra Pound’
"But those who saw the things that were done in that time, deeds of valour and wonder, have elsewhere told the tale of the War of the Ring, and how it ended both in victory unlooked for and in sorrow long foreseen. Here let it be said that in those days the Heir of Isildur arose in the North, and he took the shards of the sword of Elendil, and in Imladris they were reforged; and he went then to war, a great captain of Men. He was Aragorn son of Arathorn, the nine and thirtieth heir in the right line from Isildur, and yet more like to Elendil than any before him."

J. R. R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion
Simulacra and the Dialectical Defeat of the Right

Rose Sybil and Chilon dissect how the Right’s continuous concessions to the Left have led to the former’s persistent defeat; they analyze the dialectical and metaphysical reasons behind this trend and propose methods to counter the dynamic by distinguishing between authentic reality and constructed simulacra, and by addressing the erosion and transformation of traditional values and political stances.

Read the essay here:
Forwarded from Antelope Hill Publishing
The rumors are true - we have been working on a monthly podcast! The Antelope Hill Book Club will be hosted by Taylor Young, Antelope Hill outreach manager; and Shawn Bell, author of the book "Post-", which you can find on our website. We will have relevant guests as well.

We will announce the book of the month about 2 weeks prior to the release of the podcast, to give listeners a chance to order and read the book. Many of the books will be ours, but not all.

First book to be announced in a couple days! If you have ideas for books that we should cover as part of the Book Club, please email us at [email protected].
Goth sack of Rome
Eurosiberia Podcast #24: The American Expat

The American Expat and Constantin von Hoffmeister talk about Donald Trump, von Hoffmeister’s book Esoteric Trumpism, the upcoming presidential election, election shenanigans, bizarre election methods in America, how Europe is now catching up faster with America in terms of degeneration, and more.

Watch the podcast here:
“Man is a dream about a shadow. But when some splendour falls upon him from God, a glory comes to him and his life is sweet.”

— Pindar
The Temptation of Technophobia

Guillaume Faye contends that Europeans need to embrace technology as an integral part of their heritage, arguing that a pro-technology stance is essential to overcoming outdated fears and reclaiming a dynamic role that harmonises technological advancements with a revitalised European identity rooted in its pagan past.

Read the essay here:
The Need for Culturism

John K. Press explores Matthew Arnold’s role as a pioneering ‘culturist,’ emphasizing the crucial need for a collective identity to guide society through deliberate cultural shaping in contrast to the unstructured individualism of liberalism.

Read the essay here:
Merry Midsummer!

The Arktos team wishes you a bright and joyful Midsummer! As the sun graces us with its golden rays and the trees are in full, lush bloom, take a moment to step away from your screens. Embrace the beauty of nature — wander through the forest, feel the soothing sand between your toes at the beach, and breathe in the fresh, invigorating air.

Remember the glory of Sol Invictus, the unconquered sun, whose warmth and light illuminate our days. Celebrate the season of abundance and renewal.

Enjoy the wonders of nature and the magic of Midsummer!

Warm greetings from Arktos
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