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TG 271923, Telegram, Singapore, SG
قنـآﮪ.🐼الحـب لايُفهـم مــن الڪلام
رغبتي ان اڪون العابث الوحيد بقلبڴ
لذا احبڮ بطريقة سيئـﮥ
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قنـاتنـا الذهبيـة👈 @Almash65
#تاريخ_ٳنشاء_القناة 2018/12/19
Telegram Link: tg-me.com/joinchat-AAAAAESFaumsoopB9LgQpw
How to Use Bitcoin?
n the U.S. people generally use Bitcoin as an alternative investment, helping diversify a portfolio apart from stocks and bonds. You can also use Bitcoin to make purchases, but the number of vendors that accept the cryptocurrency is still limited. Big companies that accept Bitcoin include Overstock, AT&T and Twitch. You may also find that some small local retailers or certain websites take Bitcoin, but you’ll have to do some digging. That said, PayPal has announced that it will enable cryptocurrency as a funding source for purchases this year, financing purchases by automatically converting crypto holdings to fiat currency for users. “They have 346 million users and they’re connected to 26 million merchants,” says Spencer Montgomery, founder of Uinta Crypto Consulting. “It’s huge.”
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